
Berries in the dark


It doesn’t take long after Charles leaves for me to begin to feel very alone, and even afraid. I don’t know if this island is big enough to get lost on, or if there are any harmful animals like snakes and whatnot, and I sure as hell do not want to be left alone.

What if something venomous bites me or something like that? Besides, there is safety in numbers and Charles is a big guy, which means that I could use his strength, plus he's a doctor, and his knowledge will surely come in handy one way or the other.

I know next to nothing about surviving in this horrid situation in which we have found ourselves, but I’m too proud to go after him though. Let him go away if he wants to.

It’s going to be his cup of tea if help comes while he is off doing God knows what and probably getting bitten or eaten up by whatever animals there are out there.