
Another nightmare


When I first started talking about all that had happened with Charlotte, I thought that talking about it will make me feel better. It does make me feel better, but now, I can’t stop thinking about what will happen if Charlotte gets out of prison like Charles said she always did. She’ll look for me and try to kill me. I know that as well as I know my name. I try to console myself by thinking about the fact that the crimes against her are numerous this time around, and it is a while before I can finally fall asleep.

“I see the way you’re looking at my brother. You think a handsome, successful man like Charles will want anything to do with a sniveling, nervous wreck like you?” A sneering Charlotte asks. She’s sitting in front of me by the fire that Charles had built earlier, and Charles is nowhere to be found.

I stare at her in horror without saying a word. How on earth had she gotten here? And where the hell is Charles?