
An imposter


I’m lying in my hospital bed, alone as usual, when there is a faint knock on the door and the knob turns.

Ever since I sent Meghan away, I rarely have visitors, except for the occasional work colleague, but that's okay with me.

The lady who steps into the room looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t really tell who she is, so I just lie there watching her curiously as she approaches my bed.

She takes one look at me and her lips curl in what looks like distaste.

“Hello. Do we know each other?” I ask her, perplexed.

She does not reply, but instead, takes one of the chairs in the room and draws it close to the bed. It is only after she is seated that she speaks.

“I see you’re still alive and healing quite nicely.”

“Okay … nice to meet you.”

“Where’s your fucking fiancee, you asshole? Did she get tired of your sorry ass and leave you too?”

“Um … I’m certain I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell her in bewilderment.