
A new friend (Two)

I had thought I didn’t want kids too, until now, but I can’t say the same for him, especially since he has his dear fiancée, who would sure as hell not be pleased with the fact that another woman is carrying his child.

I hear regularly from Sebastian and his wife, Carol, but I don’t let them know where I’m living, and they sure as hell do not know I’m pregnant either. Of course, I can’t keep my child away from them forever, but for now, I’d rather they don’t know.

I become friends with a pregnant mother of two boys named Veronica, from my antenatal classes. She doesn’t live very far from where I live and she’s a huge blessing and a big help to me, as is her husband, Leo.

“You know, I’m so glad that this one is a girl this time around. Boys can be such handfuls. What sex is your baby, if you don’t mind me asking?” She tells me as we take a walk to the ice cream shop that is close by before we head to our respective homes.