
A change of mind (One)


I’m waiting nervously for my name to be called so that I can go in and get the growing child inside of me removed. Already, I’ve filled out the necessary paperwork and answered all the questions that are required of me. I go through all of this in a daze, wondering how I got myself into this predicament in the first place. Samantha is seated beside me, holding my hands in encouragement and talking to me to calm my nervousness.

“It’s not as bad or painful as you think. I don’t even think it’s painful at all. I used pills when I had those abortions, but it is always best to do this procedure so that you can be sure that everything is removed. In no time, you will be able to go home and rest.” Samantha tells me for the umpteenth time that morning and even in the previous days. She was the one who scheduled the session and even paid for everything.