
A 'caring' friend


For the third time in a row, the call goes unanswered on the other end. I’m not surprised in the least bit, but I’m more than a little irritated. Jessica is a changed person, who is no different from a hermit now, but even then, it irks me when she refuses to take my calls. We had once been best friends, and I like to think that we still are, so I don’t appreciate her shutting me out of her life the way she’s been doing these past few years.

I understand that she’s scarred, but I miss her being in my life, and I won’t stop trying to get her out of her shell. I try her number again, but still, she doesn’t answer the phone.

“You look disturbed.” My boyfriend, Tom, whom I’m fast getting tired of, says from where he is lying down on my bed, as naked as the day that he was born. I glance at him impatiently before replying.

“It’s nothing, really, and put on some clothes, for chrissakes.”