
Case Of Love

Because of being late for work, Rita does not hesitate to fight with a handsome widower named Arka who has blocked her way! Not your sister! Don't call me that!" "Ok fine. But, Can I call you my girlfriend?" "Oh, god! Shut up!" There is a reason for the hard work Rita has been doing all this time. But who would have thought, Arka, who always made Rita angry, finally wanted to help. But what if the reason for help from Arka to be is secret? Then, can the charm of a widower like Arka still be able to chase Rita's hard heart?

Fifilani · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Take It or Leave It

The next day, Arka takes Rita to her hometown. Previously, Arka asked Rita to get up early.

When Rita was ready with her appearance, the woman glanced lazily at her watch.

"What do you mean by that man? Really crazy! I was told to wake up at four in the morning so you don't get caught in traffic, in the end, you leave late!" cursed Rita annoyed.

Rita has been sitting nervously in front of the door of her boarding house for three hours. All the residents of the boarding house reprimanded Rita in turn.

"Rita, you haven't left yet?"

Kina came back to the boarding house. An hour ago, Rita's roommate had left for work.

"Why did you go back to the boarding house? Don't tell me you don't want to come to work? It can't be done, Kina! Don't just think I didn't monitor you and didn't come in today, you just didn't go in with your forehead. Later the boss's mother will be angry!"

Rita keeps asking Kina not to be a lazy employee. Considering this is the boss's mother's last chance not to come to work. The rest, whatever the reasons given by Rita and Kina if they don't come to work, the consequences will be that they will no longer work.

"You shouldn't be an employee anymore. But it fits like a boss. Don't worry, I'm here because I forgot to bring the shop key. I'm so stupid, aren't I?" asked Kina rebuking herself.

"You freak, sorry. So don't be a grandmother so quickly. Now look, I didn't come to work, you look like a lunatic being forgetful like that."

Rita sneered. But he was the first to move into the room and look for the things Kina needed. Not long after, Rita came out of the boarding room and saw the person nearby to give her the key.

"Rita, I saw that Arka was at the boss's house. I thought the man had come to pick you up. Why haven't you been to the boarding house?" asked Kina in amazement.

How can Kina not be surprised, since a few hours ago she passed her boss's house and saw Arka's car parked there. Even though he only saw the car, it didn't mean that Kina couldn't guess if Arka was there.

"Are you right, Kina? So since I called him and the number is off, then that means Arka is keeping his promise to the Boss at this rate,"

Rita felt disapproved. With quick steps, Rita headed to Mrs. Gea's house.

Arriving there, Rita gasped in surprise when Gea greeted her first.

"You haven't left with Arka yet?" asked Gea as she got into the white car. Ark's car. Seeing this, Rita was clearly confused. Unusually, the woman was in her car. After all, how would Rita go with Arka if… that guy was in the car.

"Wait, Miss Gea!" Rita intercepted while holding the car door and then closed it again. His behavior made Gea knit her brows together.

"What is it?" asked Gea curtly. "Why are you such a confused person. You're not usually like the slow-moving Kina, Rita! Now tell me, what happened to you?"

Rita swallowed. In fact, Rita was also confused as to why such an unreliable person.

"I want to go with Arka, boss. But Arka went the same way."

Without a word, Rita immediately opened the car door. It's a shame. Rita couldn't find anyone in there.

"You look like a dizzy person looking for Arka's whereabouts? That handsome man of my future husband and your future boss put his car here. Let's say he's storing things that he really only spends a day with you there," said Gea as she got into the car but hadn't started the vehicle.

"Hah? So the problem is sitting like that, Bu Boss? Then if Arka really has no intention of going with the boss, then where is Cakra?"

Gaia shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. Very stupid with Rita's astonishment, the woman drove her vehicle at high speed.

Rita pursed her lips in emotion. He was really annoyed that Gea suddenly left with emotions bubbling in herheart. Rather than that happening, Rita decided to cancel her path with Arka.

But the man who had been waiting for it finally came to show himself. There was annoyance because Rita didn't want to see the man.

"Where are you from, Ark? You asked me to get ready since dawn and what time is it now? That's great, huh! It's made me emotional for mercy!"

"I should be the one asking you, Rita. I've been waiting for you at the boarding house. From four in the morning. But you didn't go out at all. I even want to go to your place of work. I went to Gea's house because I wanted to take a car," said Arka no less here.

Because both of them blamed each other and neither of them wanted to lose because they felt true to what was said, Rita, who felt the least like being lied to, stepped forward. At the same time, the woman immediately gave a very hard slap to the man's face.

"Just so you know! I'm really pissed off at you, Arka! You are completely unreliable! If your goal is just to waste my time, then you better get out of my life right away! I don't like seeing you like this blaming me!"

Arkin panicked. The man immediately grabbed Rita's hand to quickly approach her. At the same time, Arka immediately carried Rita into the car. Arka's behavior clearly makes Rita panic. How not, the woman was confused with everything she experienced.

While in the car, Rita kept screaming for help. But the more excited Rita got near her, the more Arka drove the vehicle at high speed. This forced Rita to stop her voice.

"I relented and I'm quiet now. What do you want?" Rita asked with a frown on her face forced to refrain from doing anything else.


"So much the better, Rita. You really have to be quiet so I can drive the vehicle quietly. Anyway, you don't have to be afraid, we are now going to your village. Now I know why we both couldn't leave earlier." Arka then said everything with a serious look in his eyes.

This gave Arka not another option to stop his car for a moment and look at Rita with a serious look.

"What do you want to talk about, Ark?" asked Rita not understanding.

"I just found out that the two of us have been lied to by Mrs. Rita. Don't you know that it definitely makes us both look like idiots. I went to the boarding house where you used to live. Meanwhile, you are waiting for me in your new boarding house. Before I went to your boarding house, I had time to ask Gea. Now you know who's at fault, don't you?" asked Arka with serious eyes.

Hearing this, Rita swallowed hard. It turned out that he had just had a bad experience and almost misunderstood Arka.