
Casanova Boyfriend

Ruby Blues, a young overly ambitious girl decides to pick her life up and her new rule, NO MORE BOYS but even after her entanglement with James she can't get enough of him. She thinks they're not meant to be but what happens when they meet years later and she can't deny the magnetic pull. James Llock, everyone's sweetheart takes a drastic turn in life when the only thing good, Ruby leaves him. Now a grown man, he does everything to survive but what happens when the law catches up with him and the law decides to be the one person he truly loved. Can they reignite their love on a 1 months voyage and will that love survive their time apart?

Torieousxx · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 6: Drama alert✔


"Who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Brylee announced, uncorking a can of Pepsi she'd brought from the refrigerator.

"I'm in", James answered.

"That game is deadly, no way", I said picking up my phone.

" You're no fun. Babe, you're in right", she said turning to Micah.

"Yeah Sure", he said, distractedly texting away on his phone.

"Ruby, baby, my love", James began.

"No need to say all this", I said without looking away from my phone.

" If you don't play then I won't", he whined.

"Well then don't", I said dismissively.

" OK, just play one round if its no fun then you can stop. I won't disturb you", he said giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I will but not because of those eyes", I said giving in because of the eyes.

" That's my baby", he said, giving me a bear hug.

"OK I'll go first", Brylee announced.

"Truth or dare", James asked.

"Dare", she replied confidently.

" I dare you to.... Try to distract Micah from whoever he's texting", he said.

"With pleasure. You do realize I'm the girlfriend right?", she said as she stood up.

" I'm going easy on you ", James said cockily.

She sashayed over to where Micah had been sprawled on the floor for over an hour. She decided to first peep and see what had him so hooked. Whatever it was really got her riled up.

" Really Micah, so this is why you been distant with all your half ass discussions", She said silently.

"Brylee Oh God", he said, obviously out of shock.

"You didn't expect me to know right. Guess what? You can hit send and tell her you're on your way because you're out of here"

"Its not what you think"

"Its never what I think with you. I don't care anymore. Just please get out while I'm calm"


"Really? Now I'm a babe. This is how you repay me right? After everything"

"No you don't understand"

"And I don't want to. If you have the guts to contemplate whether you're in a relationship or not, lemme help you out. You're not, OK? You're free to jump to another girl now"


"Just leave Micah. For now at least", I said , pitching in.

He got his fanny pack and swung it on before slowly walking to the door. Throwing one last pleading glance to Brylee, he walked out. Brylee who had been looking at him immediately averted her eyes as he left. That was some break up.

"A thousand that they get back within the week", James whispered into my ear leaning closer.

" I bet a month", I whispered back.

"You're so on", He said, with a ghost of a smile on his face.

" Before you both start consoling me, I'm fine. You kids have fun. I'll be out" She said and she strolled out of the door too.

Its at times like this I remember she's my elder by like six years so she's in her final year in university and would be convocating soon. I wish she'd let me talk to her and comfort her but I guess we all deal with break ups in different ways so I'll give her the space she needs right now. I feel like I'm being watched.

"Oh my God James!", I yelled as I pushed him.

" what?", he asked confused.

"You just sat there staring at me for how long?", I asked, worried my face was all rough and he was still staring.

" Not my fault. I asked if you wanted to watch a movie and you never answered", He said shrugging.

"Oh, a movie, sure"

"Your pick then"

"Nah its better if you pick"

"Ladies first"

"Its my house so be my guest and make yourself comfortable"

"Fine. If you insist"

He settled for After, the movie and only when I'd gone to bring all the blankets I own, which were like 10, did he start the movie.

"Whoa babe, its just a movie", he said looking at the pile of blankets where my head should be.

"What do you mean?", I asked over the tower of Babel I carried.

" How many blankets do you own?"

"Like 30. Just 10 over here sadly"

"And you use them all"

"Yeah because I'm dying by melting. I use according to my mood"

"You're full of surprises"

"I'll never run out. So its After you picked"

"Yup. The name sounds interesting"

"Yeah because the book is"

"After has a book"

"More like the book has a movie"


"Its a book on Wattpad and that book is a bomb"


"One of my absolute best"

As we quieted down to watch the movie, I got my ice cream out of the refrigerator where I'd kept it for a special occasion but I guess this will have to do. I love to cuddle and its going to be my downfall but in my defense its a movie tradition. In this case though, I don't think I measured the space between us but right now we were so close our elbows were constantly ribbing each other.

He picked up one of the spoons I brought and took a scoop of the ice cream and brought it to my mouth smiling cheekily. Not wanting to leave him hanging, I tried to take the spoon out of his hand but he refused. Its illogical but I just went with the flow and said ash as he put the spoon in my mouth. We spent the rest of the time feeding each other like a pair of newly weds and we almost wouldn't stop even when the movie ended.

"What do you think about the movie?", I asked him.

"It was really nice I guess. How about you?", he said facing me and slowly reaching out his hand to touch my face.

" The book was way better, I guess. I mean even her dressing isn't exactly what I pictured but Henry was...." I said but trailed off when his hand made contact with my face.

"Relax, you had a bit of ice cream on your face", he said smirking.

" And who's fault is that?", I said rubbing the sides of my lip with my thumb.

"I had to create an opportunity because soon I won't just be touching your face with my hand", he said suggestively.

" Well, you're a life saver then?", I said with a nervous laugh.

"And how do you plan on rewarding your personal superman?", he said wiggling his eyebrow.

" How?"

"I take cash or kind"

"Cash or kind? For rubbing off a smidge you made" I said and laughed out loud.


"You could have left it there. I have mirrors everywhere"

"Then let me put it back"

"You wouldn't dare", I said narrowing my eyes.

" Try me", he said and swooped in.

With my lightning fast reflexes, I escaped him narrowly and took off into the corridor. He was hot on my tail and I ran into my room. Just as I was about to slam the door in his face, he put his foot in between and stepped in. He started walking towards me slowly and took steps backwards at the same pace. I don't know when I reached my bed but the next thing that happened definitely shocked me.

He hugged me with all his might. I was wheezing for breath and lost my balance sending us toppling onto the bed. He began to tickle me and I hat being tickled so I began to squirm while trying to balance between laughing and breathing.

"No... Please... No more... Stop", I said still laughing.

" Say oh handsome James, you're the best", he said stopping a bit for me to breathe.

"No way am I saying that", I said, shaking my head as I tried to catch my breath.

"Say it or...", He said wiggling his fingers on my waist.

" Or you'll tickle me to death", I said egging him on.

"Don't be so sure", he said and he began tickling me again.

"OK... OK... You might as well get this on video. Oh handsome, James, you're the best. OK , I said it"

"Say what", he said, stopping to smirk.

"Oh handsome James, you're the best. OK I said it"

"Now was that hard"


"But how's that truth hard"

"More like bitter lies"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night", he said and walked out whistling.

He went and got his sling bag and for some reason felt comfortable enough to give me sleepless night tonight. If you haven't guessed, he pecked my cheek before he left.


I decided to drop this chapter earlier and I'm really grateful to as many that are with me on this ride.

Till the next update



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