
Companion: Warm embrace.

That night I found myself yearning for that warmth again. Having all those close to me across the worlds and lifetimes, to once again feel their presence, company, their smiles, to make more memories and for their touch.

Everything feels so cold.

The room feels truly empty making me feel hollow, lonely on the inside…

Finally after trying so long I drowned myself in the cold quiet and lonesomeness, and plunged myself consciousness into the darkness, called sleep.

Deep into the night:

The silvery glow of the twin moons high above illuminated the terrains below. The crickets chirps, owls hoot and bats squeaked. Nocturnal animals made it known that the night belonged to them.

In the quaint town, graced with light of the moons above, only the guards, clad in their light protective gear made of sturdy leather, that stood atop the eight feet walls to guard the night. Even they felt the sleep brought by the cold breeze and serenaded by the melodies of the night creatures as they waited for their change and patrol. Not a soul could be found on the streets.

In one of the house within the walled town.

In one of the rooms a small figure stirred on her bed.

They stood up, in the darkness of their room, slowly and carefully made it towards the door.

The door creaked ever so slightly as they made out and the look it again. Using the walls as guide they found themselves towards the basement. They took careful not to make any clutter to awake the residence of the house.

Down the few stairs they stood before the door leading into the basement. Cautious, they looked to their sides before reaching to open the door. Down another stairs of the basement they entered with no noise.

The room was dimly light by the the silver ray of light of the moon which came through the small barred window high up.

Below, lying on his side on a cloth over a patch of hay was a deep brown haired boy, Teufel.

Blaire stood still hands gripping tightly to the hem of her dress, her mind weighing whether to go to him. Whether he would be mad at her for entering into his room.

After a few moments she took a step having made up her mind. One heavy step after another she drew closer.

She towered before him looking at his sleeping face that had a ting of sadness and loneliness.

Gently she went on her knees, drew in closer and lied on the cloth positioned before him.

His warm breath wafted and warmed her face, bringing a smiled to her face. She reached with her tiny hands and grabbed his dress.

She looked deeply into his face as if waiting for something. The look on his face soften up a little, seeing this she got in closer to feel the warmth of his body and buried her head in his chest… before closing her eyes to sleep…

As if he felt the warmth over him, the sad and lonely look he had one melted away replaced with a subtle smile.

I had had a good rest. A warmth in the cold night all my years in this world and that made me feel comforted and relaxed. But I didn’t know the morning would come with it’s set of problems…


Obscurity: A sense of loss.


I feel a warmth close to me. A pulse. A presence cuddled up by me. I feel reluctant to open my eyes as I feel relaxed. But I have to wake, my internal clock tells me I have to, that day will break soon.

All the nights I’ve slept, I tried not to go too deep as the story may begin at any moment. But this time I went so deep I didn’t know what was happening around me.

Forcing it to open, albeit slowly, my sight straight ahead I see the usual empty dark space of the basement. The sun isn’t up yet so the dull light from the dull blue of the sky slightly illuminates the room. Though I can only see faint features in the silhouettes of the few objects in the room.

I hear a soft breathing and I look down to where the warmth felt centered.

At this point my eyes has already adjusted to the dark and certain features where in somewhat of a light.

Buried I my chest was a small figure, sleeping soundly. Her small hand held onto my dress. There is only one person I know who had no fear and or disgust for me. And has the courage to be around me… Blaire.

What is she doing in here?

How did she get in here? Yeah, the door is mostly unlocked if they see I have done nothing. So all you needed was a little push from the outside to get it open. Though I am forbidden to go up at night.

When did she even get in her?

Obviously when I was asleep.

How come I didn’t realize her presence?

Right I was in deep.

Why is she even here?

I have no idea.

This is bad. Really bad.

I have to wake her and have her return to her room before…

But she’s sleeping so soundly, so angelic. Just looking at her makes me not want to disturb her sleep. Plus it has been so long feeling the warmth of another. It’s not bad. It feels comforting.

But if Varden and Caela finds her in here it would be a problem. They’d jump into conclusions. I should wake her up… No… I’ll just leave her, I want to enjoy this warmth even if just this once.

Even if they do find her here and jump into rage, the torment they dish out on me isn’t going to be far worse than they already do—not even close to all that I have been through these lives. Not unless they finally decide to end my life for this… Though I highly doubt that.

How she behaves around me is just perplexing. I hadn’t done anything to warrant this from her. I had always been away from her so it stands to reason I be no more than a stranger in her eyes, right? But no she sees me not as such. So is there a reason she is like this to me?

Should a chuck it up to innate sibling bonds?

Or maybe the more they told her to stay away the more curious she got about me? And the more she acted like this.

Well, for whatever reasons it is, I, feel… glad. To have had this moment with her. Even if it’s just this once, just a passing moment.

I’ll just go back to sleep.

And so I did. I shifted my gaze from her before closing my eyes and hoping to catch up some more of that sleep before the sun truly bid the start of a new day.

I don’t know how long I was asleep for but I was suddenly awaken by a loud bang. My eyes shot wide open and I felt Blaire’s abrupt awakening by me.

“Blaire! Are you in here!”

Lifting my head I quickly look towards the doorway and see Caela by the door, the look of worry on her face, panting.

I imagine she had woken up expecting to find Blaire in her room but found it empty. The few beads of sweat on her face tells me she must have really gone looking for her hoping for the worst to not have happened. We probably didn’t hear anything because when we must have really gone deep into sleep.

“Thank goodness.”

She sighed in relief the moment she laid her eyes on Blaire who had angled herself a bit to look her way.

“Have you found her?”

The moment Varden appeared behind her it seemed like a realization hit Caela and she pause staring my way, her expression shifter from terror to rage and she stormed over and grabbed her and pulled her away from her. Blaire had her arm reaching out to me when her grip was torn off from my dress.

I sit up as Caela backstepped away from me.

I can already see how this is going to end.