
47. Harsh Reality

"Get the hell outta my face!" Rayne said as she swatted at a bee.

She was sitting at one of the picnic tables waiting for Albert to come back with their lunches. The air was thick with the scent of the brightly colored flowers that littered the campus. 

"I hope you weren't too lonely without me," Albert said as he sat down. He sat a blue tray of food on the table.

"Every second felt like a lifetime," Rayne said and swooned. She fell back against him playfully. Albert caught her and fanned her with his left hand.

"Oh my sweet, dainty princess, that wait was too much for you. I failed to keep you safe," Albert said and dropped his head. He began pretending to sob heavily.

Rayne couldn't pretend anymore and burst into laughter. 

"You're goofy as hell," she said and sat up straight. 

"Who's goofy?" Sheree said as she and Elliot sat down on the other side of the table.

"Wassup bro?" Albert said and shook Elliot's hand.