
Conversations 7 - One's Value

Coco: "Has the deliveries been dealt with?"

Aloe: "Yep, we should be set for the catering. Now the only thing we have to worry about is the menu."

Coco: "Haha, yeah… huh?"

Aloe: "Maybe we should put- mphh!?"

Coco: "Shh~"

Aloe: "Hmm?"

Kai: "You're seriously not going to say yes?"

Kyrell: "You know, I'm impressed that you lasted this long."

Kana: "I know right? I would have thought you'd choke after three goes."

Kai: "Whose side are you on?!."

Kana: "Kyrell's, always."

Kai: "Brocon… Kara, why don't you start."

Kara: "And why?"

Kai: "You two are always on the same wavelength, it'll be easier if you start."

Kara: "We've tried this before, it didn't change Kyrell's mind. Why try so hard?"

Kai: "Because we can't just let him waste away here in Aelin."

Kyrell: "I wouldn't say I'm wasting it-"

Kai: "Are you actually satisfied with just being jailed here?"

Kyrell: "... That… doesn't matter."

Kai: "It does matter! Mom and dad haven't seen you in a while, what would you do if they were suddenly hospitalised?"

Kyrell: "... I mean… it's not like they won't have their secretaries-"

Kai: "Kyrell!"

Kyrell: "Look, we all know I won't be able to live in the city without being hunted down like a rat. Our family will just not accept me living in a house they frequent."

Kai: "Then we'll just throw them out!"

Kyrell: "Cause that worked out so well every other time."

Kana: "We could ask the guards to make sure anyone apart from grandma and grandpa can't get in."

Kara: "We've tried that, everyone complained to grandmother and grandfather, so it was discontinued."

Kyrell: "We've tried everything. Not one of them worked, so I don't know why you honestly still believe that there's any hope of me returning to the city."

Kai: "Because it's unfair on you."

Kyrell: "When did that ever matter? The world will forever be unfair, a person's value is brought on by their usefulness. What exactly can I bring to the table that will make our family see me as useful?"

Kana: "... You're kind-"

Kyrell: "Kindness doesn't make money or gain power."

Kana: "..."

Kyrell: "Our family only ever cared about results, whether we can become successful, whether we can be of use to further improve our family's reputation and power, whether we can etch our legacy into history itself. Anyone else, is nothing more than rejects that belong to be tossed in the trash."

Kara: "Kyrell…"

Kyrell: "I appreciate all your efforts up until now you three, but no matter what you do, nothing will change. I'm just a reject, a mere jester in a court of kings and queens. There really is no need for anyone of you to go out of your way to try and bring me back."

Kana: "But… I can't just lose my big brother."

Kyrell: "Kana… You're big girl now, you need to be able to live without me."

Kana: "No! I don't want you gone!"

Kara: "Kyrell, have you truly given up?"

Kyrell: "Not much I can do now."

Kara: "I see. Well I guess that's that.."

Kai: "I'm not giving up!."

Kyrell: "Be my guest to try, I won't change my mind though."

Kara: "Kyrell, you may think you have no place in our family, but that's not what we think."

Kyrell: "Thanks, but honestly you're all beating a dead horse."

Coco: "Wow…"

Aloe: "Kyrell…"

Coco: "It's that bad huh?."

Aloe: "Do you think we can do anything to make him feel better?"

Coco: "I'm sure if we just act like we always do, then it'll give him some peace of mind."

Aloe: "Still… he's done a lot for us, I'd like to repay him someday."

Coco: "We both do, but right now we're just as vulnerable as the boss, let's get stronger and make sure to give him our thanks in the future."

Aloe: "Yeah, you're right Coco-senpai. Let's do our best."

Coco: "Yep!"

Oh I've been waiting to release this conversation, everything I've done all led up to this. One of my most anticipated ones yet and I was giddy writing it. I live for this sort of thing, just the desperation and refusal, god this has been with me since the beginning.

I hope this was an entertaining read after that Valentine special, I didn't plan that I swear it just happened.

Anywho I hope you all enjoyed the two entries for this week, yes I am spoiling all of you but that's ok and I will see you all next week.

Monochrome_Librarycreators' thoughts