
Cardinal Crisis

"If this world rejects the good natured so much, then I shall help baptize it in sin and blood." Canaan is the born successor of one of the most powerful devil emperors in the world, unfortunately crisis befalls him as his peerless looks attract the attention of the devil empress Heide, who seals away his power and uses him as her toy. After a miraculous escape he is left alone on a dark world and the question remains.....with all his brethren seeking to take his life, will he rise above the impossible odds, or fall beneath the flames of their jealousy. Journey with Canaan as he avenges wrongs, finds love amidst terrifying danger, and rises to stand at the apex.

Sun_eater · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

The quaking Ocean King!

In the grand palace of the house of Oceanus, where illusory streams of light flowed through the endless waters, the supposedly grand Ocean King Pontus sat heavily upon his coral throne.

The currents of the ocean around him flowed in obvious disharmony, a sign that he was greatly disturbed. A myriad ancient and wise Nerieds gathered before him.

Corisssa, his queen, watched him with a barely contained disgust. Her cerulean eyes now held only contempt.

She had hoped that after a few decades holding the throne, Pontus could become a true pullar of the realm and a man she could be proud of....however with his rise in power his fear of death had only increased and he had become more of coward, after all, as a monarch he only had more to lose.

"The emissary has arrived!" A gaurd voiced out boldly, an immediately the rows of Nerieds parted in welcome, leaving a clear path for the emissary and his gaurd.

Touching notes of music brightened the luxurious and serene setting while rows of royal Nerieds filled the many seats. At the hall's end, Pontus sat on his throne, with the mermaid queen by his side.

Everyones eyes concentrated on the intimidating toxin immortal emissary and his gaurd as they walked past them.

But while the emissary was surrounded by several 'gaurds' everyone's eyes fell straight onto the emissary himself as if pulled by magic.

The female Nerieds, in particular, regardless of their own marital status, failed to shift their gaze from the perfectly chiseled marble face before them.

"Is he...a Celestial being of some sort?"

Canaan had chosen to leave a bit of his original beauty into this facade, it was a very small amount, nonetheless it was still a fraction of beauty hailing from the most perfect male appearance in the world!

No wonder that even with this, he had been dubbed as a Celestial being.

After all, according to their knowledge, only a creature from the heavens above could produce such a soul stealing charm.

Suddenly he frowned as he noticed a strange detail. Besides him, his wife's breathing had become erratic, and a field of crimson clouds had burrowed underneath the skin of her neck and cheeks.

Pontus felt his anger rise as he gritted his teeth in suppressed rage, his jands had both long since balled into fists under the dining table?

How outrageous was this. This emissary had trampled over one of his sons and captured the other for no reason. In addition he had also insulted him in public...and....now....he actually dared to seduce his wife!?

A long time ago, because Pontus was anxious to raise his divine power he had rashly consumed Shura devil jade which was said to have an explosive effect in raising one's divine energy.

However, because he had not prepared adequately the energy he ingested lashed out within his own body.

The severe lacerations and bur s he had suffered forever crippled his hus reproductive organs.

Since a century ago he had no longer been able to make love to his wife who was hailed as the most beautiful princess the mermaid clan had produced in centuries.

She had also reached her prime, when her desires would come into full bloom, unfortunately Pontus would never be able to satisfy her.

And yet Corissa had never turned her back on her vows and dishonored him, not even in the slightest ....all until just now!

How dare he!? Pontus roared inwardly

This fit of mad jealously was all it took to invoke the flames of his anger as a dangerous glint flashed across his eyes.

He hid it all with a warn smile as welcomed the emissary. "My lord emissary! It is my house's honor to welcome you to our table. Please take your seats. We've prepared our House's most outstanding dishes, its most unique musical treasures and all its beautiful dancers to entertain you all!"

Surprisingly the emissary replied Pontus with a warn smile, all of the darkness and intimidation he had arrived with was suddenly gone.

"Thank you, your majesty, for the grand welcome. I doubt a mere emissary such as I is worthy of such an honour. It's a pity thought that your second son spoke a little crudely, and as a representative of my monarch it was my duty to punish him. But you may relax, I will only keep him with me to 'educate' him for the next few days. When i deem it fit, i will return him to you completely without injury." A hint of apology was actually present in this overbearing man's voice, causing the crown prince who was present to wonder if he was hallucinating or not.

Pontus and Corissa who were listening intently also felt deep surprise as their impression of this man was vastly different from the crow princes account.

"This....this is naturally not your fault, rather this king is ashamed of his sons behavior. As a grand emissary you are naturally welcome to help me discipline." Pontus peaceably motioned.

"Let's not soil the mood over that unfilial brat. For now we must eat, drink and celebrate the prosperous relationship between our two countries." Pontus finshed with a warm gesture.

Inwardly, Canaan sneered. With a warm and benevolent display it would be strange if Pontus wasn't planing to kill him. From his superficial understanding of Pontus which and been formed from his terrifying sense of judgment, he already knew the kind of person this ocean king was.

He was a coward yes, but he was also extremely petty and narrow-minded.

In front of a stone foe he would cower, then resort to petty schemes.

He would also do anything to maintain his imperial power.

This kind of person was the easiest to manipulate into making shortsighted decisions.

'No wonder the House of Oceanus stagnates, after all their monarch is a true fool!' Canaan thought with a laugh.

Pontus's sudden amiable kindness also surprised Alyssa. Her sharp mind immediately figured out what he was planning. A disappointed and tired expression appeared on her face as her had rose, but then...slowly it fell.

She decided to stay her hand.

She doubted he was stupid enough to attempt to poison a toxin immortal, and with the emissary's gold rank strength, along with his gaurd of all fifth circle silver ranks, it was no too likely that Pontus would try to assassinate him.

He wouldn't dare.

And If he did.....she was well and truly tired.

Unfortunately she had gravely underestimated her husband's stupidity, as well as how little it took to cause his petty mind to devolve into an idiotic fray

Festivities continued even after the Nereid dances excused themselves. So after the initial dishes and wine had been consumed and since the servant ts if the palace promptly replaced them.

However, just as everyone expected the dinner to continue, with a grave aura the emissary suddenly stood up, causing all the Nereids to freeze up in terror.

As the mood of the gathering had relaxed, they had all forgot the reason why the emissary had come in the first place.

He then began in a serious tone. "As you all know I was entrusted with a mission by my king.

However what you do not know, is that my prince, moved by great affection for your princess, informed my king of the challenges you all faced during the engagement ceremony.

And although my king was furious at first, he saw no need to pursue the matter as our to great houses will become a family soon.

That is too say that the my presence here with my gaurd is not to extract so called reparations but help the lord of the house quell all disharmony.

In order to maintain our dignity we had to show a furious and terrifying front so that all who watched would know to to trifle with the toxin immortals, which was we were forced to show your sons and the palace gaurds such a fierce display.

We will, however definitely give all parties a suitable explanation and take the second prince to our capital where he shall recieve training to become a devil god worthy of his name!" The emissary then concluded with a deep bow aimed at Pontus.

There was only sincerity in his presence now, no bone chilling frost or frightening malice.

The entire populys of the hall let put a collective sigh of release as the tension bled out of them.

Corissa too relaxed her previously furrowed expression as she considered his words, unfortunately she was confronted by a strange sight as she looked at her husband, expecting his eyes to mirror her relief:

He had already began to sweat profusely as a chattering noise came out from his teeth.

Her eyes narrowed coldly as she realised: She had seen this expression from him before; it was one of extreme regret.

'This fool!' She cursed.

Simultaneously the emissary had brought his wine cup up to his lips as he attempted to toast the occasion. However as the crimson liquid within it touched his lips he suddenly froze!