
I do not allow it.

I thought about uploading this chapter tomorrow because I felt very sad when watching an anime that I loved and they come out with very SAD things.

Damn, they had to ruin their future partner with something so sad, the anime is called 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season and people who already watched the first chapter of the second season will understand me.

Fucking life ... I won't rest until I find the damn author and make him suffer T_T.



The next day Genji woke up with muscle pain, looking around him for a few minutes before remembering that he won the fight against Lee and passed out.

"My whole damn body aches and it's all because of Lee who didn't want to give up," Genji said as he got up from the bed for a moment, stretching his body a little and in a few seconds of moving, he jumped back onto the bed.

"* Yawn! * Better ten more minutes."

Genji moved a little on the bed, to resume his nap again, but was interrupted by a voice.

"The Hokage asked to meet him, when he woke up, Genji." An Anbu told him that she was a few steps from Genji.

"* Yawn! * The Hokage can wait ten more minutes… Z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z."

"The Hokage affirms that it is urgent." He said with an annoyed tone seeing that Genji did not do what he was instructed to do and was simply sleeping comfortably.

Genji uncovered his face with the sheet and with regret he got out of bed again.

"Let's go with the Hokage, to go back to my comfortable bed, by the way how the last matches ended," Genji said as he walked slowly out of the room.

"They finished yesterday and if you want more information about the exams you can ask the Hokage."

"I see".




In the Hokage tower.

The Hokage finished congratulating the Jounin, for the excellent demonstration of their students.

"They can be retired, but Kakashi I need you to stay."

Asuma and Kurenai quietly left the room and left the two of them alone.

The moment the door closed, the Hokage spoke. "Kakashi the little encounter with Orochimaru is something that worries me too much, but I think you are the right person to take care of Sasuke."

"I worry about Orochimaru showing up the moment he tries to seal his curse mark and as for Sasuke…".

"I know you care a lot about Sasuke because you feel that you owe it to your ex-partner and that's why you dedicated yourself to secretly training him, even when you had your team. Not that I care much, but I want you to pay a little attention to Genji after all this happens and Orochimaru is not a threat to Sasuke. "

"I understand Hokage-sama. However, what will you tell Genji about wearing the diamond chains?" Kakashi said with a serious look on his face.

The Hokage leaned against his chair and thought about what to do with Genji. "For now, I'll talk to him about how I manage to use them. Besides, who would have known that he would be a survivor of the Uzumaki clan? But for now, I want you to focus on Sasuke and take care of him 24 hours a day, Understood!".

"Yes, Hokage-sama! I will teach Sasuke and report any suspicious movements of Orochimaru, if there is nothing left to say, I am retiring to fulfill the mission." Kakashi left the room and ran in the direction of the Uchiha clan.

The Hokage watched as Kakashi retreated and ran across the rooftops of the village on his way to Sasuke's house. With Kakashi on his way to protect the Uchiha, he told one of the anbu to protect him. "I want you to call Neko and I want her as quickly as possible before Genji arrives."

"Right away Hokage-sama!" A dog-masked anbu replied.

Shortly after, the Anbu Neko entered and the Hokage told the others to leave while they waited for Genji.

There was a knock on his door after the anbu Neko entered through the window and he hid when he looked at the signal the Hokage gave him.

"Go ahead".

"Did you need me for something Hokage?"

"Yes Genji, I would like to have a serious conversation with you, on a matter that has been bothering me." He told her with a smile and active of the seals to silence the sound of the room.

"So what did you want to ask?" Genji was curious about what he would ask, but he had almost an idea about what he wanted to know.

"First, congratulations on passing the second part of the exam, I think you will be very busy training for the final part of the exam." Hokage told him with a smile as he took out some sheets from his desk.

"Thank you, I would have liked to watch the last two fights."

The Hokage gave him a sheet. "You didn't miss much Genji, Asuma's student gave up the moment his name appeared and he saw that he would face Suna's shinobi and the last confrontation ended with just one blow from the sound shinobi."

"I see". Genji looked at the sheet they gave him and looked at the final encounters of the exam.

[Final encounters of the Chunin exam section A.

* First meet; Sasuke vs Shino.

* Second Genji vs Temari match.

* Third meeting Sakura vs Shikamaru.

* Fourth meeting Kankuro vs Dosu.

* Fifth meeting Gaara vs Naruto].

- The confrontations if they changed vastly compared to the anime -.

"I thought there were more participants?"

"Indeed the sheet I lend you is section A and the other shinobi who participated are in section B. At the end of the Chunin exam, 10 fights will take place, but that's not why I call you Genji." The Hokage said losing his smile and expressing a serious face.

"Genji I would like to know how did you use those chains ?!".

That was the question Genji expected or something like that. "I really wouldn't know what to say, it just happened the moment I thought he would lose the match."

"But from the tone you used when facing your opponent, it seemed to me that it was not the first time you used them!"

"Well the truth, I was surprised that those strange chains came out, but I felt so comfortable with them, that I felt that they would not be bad or ... Could they be dangerous Hokage?". Genji told him trying to be as innocent as possible and not raise suspicions.

"Actually if they are dangerous and therefore I must advise you by the means that I am allowed. I prohibit the use and training of the chains!".

Genji was stunned by such demand. "But why?!". Genji told him upon losing his calm and slightly cheerful face.

"Because they are forbidden techniques and they are very dangerous for your body. It can also be dangerous for you, by attracting the attention of dangerous people."

"Ok, I understand that they can attract the attention of people with Chunin exams that are around the corner, but the fact that he tells me that I am forbidden to use them because they can kill me, that is what does not make sense! ".

"That I would like to hear, what does not make sense to you?" He said he was a bit irritated by the situation.

"If we talk about forbidden and deadly techniques, we have the Hyuga clan that places a mark that controls their secondary branch. This is also a technique that could kill them and in ninja history, there is talk of many techniques that were dangerous for the shinobi, However, they were not forbidden to use them, instead, the Hokage's themselves practiced them. "

The Hokage was starting to get irritated by the way the little boy spoke and even that he was right that many clans had or practiced techniques that were forbidden a long time ago or were still in use.

He didn't care much for me because clans that used forbidden techniques had the opportunity to finish or sacrifice for the village if the situation required it, just like the fourth Hokage who used a forbidden technique.

Genji, whose blood rose a little to his head, continued. "The story talks about how the second Hokage created forbidden and deadly techniques without having a deep care for morals and…!".

* WHAM! * The Hokage hit the table with his fist, breaking some parts. "INSOLENT THE PREVIOUS HOKAGE'S MADE THE GREATEST SACRIFICE FOR THE VILLAGE SO THAT YOU COULD LIVE IN PEACE AND TRANQUILITY !!". He said with a fierce face.

Even Neko felt the brutal change of the Hokage and could never remember anything that bothered him to this point. An achievement that she had to admire from little Genin, even the little blond joker never managed to make him as upset as Genji.

Genji shuddered when he felt the Hokage's gaze on him, but he wouldn't give up for telling the truth, maybe he was watering it by facing the Hokage right now, but to be forbidden its use, just because he was sure he was afraid someone would try. to have his Uzumaki clan bloodline, it was utter stupidity.

Genji looked at the Hokage without backing down and only showed a face that said he would not portray his words.

The tension was felt by the atmosphere, but in the end, the two relaxed and stopped looking at each other.

Genji be calm a little to see that this could affect him a lot, - I let my emotions get out of control, thinking that I could not train my chains or use them. What an idiot I was, I should have just said it was fine, but seeing his face full of satisfaction when preventing him from using the chains, bothered me too much -

The Hokage and Genji looked once more, but the Hokage was the one who looked away from him and started waving his hands in search of some scrolls and sheets of paper.

"Since you don't want to take my advice, that leads us to only one possible solution… You know that in the ninja rule there is a clause that is severely punished for creating false information!" The Hokage returned a small smile to his face.

- He knows, the bastard knows everything! -. Genji thought as he sweated a little and tried to think of a possible solution, but his brain could not produce a solution that in the end he only had to tell the truth a bit and come to terms with the old man.

"If I remember that the academy taught us the rules and giving false information can cause a lot of problems depending on the information that was tried to manipulate."

"You seem to have extensive knowledge of the rules." He told her while moving some sheets and reading. "You have a good relationship with Anko Mitarashi, but she has broken a rule when manipulating reports and giving a testimony of a Genin by name; Karin Uzumaki found dead within the second phase of the Chunin test."

Genji didn't reply anything and just looked him in the eye. Showing the silence of himself that he speaks for himself.

"Anko Mitarashi was blacklisted for five years for being Orochimaru's disciple a long time ago and coincidentally her master is hanging around Konoha, plus the fact that she gives false reports puts her in a bad position, don't you think Genji! ".

He didn't like the way this conversation was heading at all, "What's the point of this whole detour since I don't like wasting time. What's the point you want to get to!" He told her without trying not to show weakness because if he shows insecurity to the Hokage he will not hesitate to get more out of the situation.

"That by the rules that she has broken, I can remove her from Tokubetsu Jounin's list."

"Haven't you heard of a Tokubetsu Jounin ?!" Genji didn't remember what that meant, but he felt it was very important.

"In the academy, they are taught the shinobi ranks and there are very few shinobi who are given the title of Tokubetsu Jounin ... The normal Jounin are chosen by the number of missions and difficulty they have completed, showing basic handling of one or two elements The elite jounin are recognized for having mastery, and the Tokubetsu Jounin not only have the mastery, but they are the best among the elite, managing to obtain the title of Tokubetsu Jounin through the support of all the elites of the village depending on his mastery ".

"I understand and Anko who is within the Tokubetsu Jounin, that she would happen to him if she took away the title."

"Well by removing the title and missing it, this information would be saved in her ninja file. Her name is added to the blacklist again, but you can change that, Genji."

- He is threatening Me with Anko -. Genji looked at him for a moment and squeezed his hands and looked at the Hokage again. "So what does he want me to do ?!"

The Hokage had it where he wanted it and told him. "I don't care so much about the girl you're trying to hide, I just want you to never wear the chains again and Anko will lose the title of her being a normal Jounin, but she won't be blacklisted and sent on dangerous missions." The hokage said and stretched out his hand as if they were making a contract.

"He's a son of a bitch, I'll have to make it up to Anko later, I'm almost sure she'll be sad."

Reproachfully he agreed and grabbed the Hokage's hand. However, when holding his hand, as if something burned the palm of his hand he withdrew with pain in his hand.

Genji felt a lot of pain in his hand and looking at his hand with a strange pattern he got a little scared "Fuinjutsu, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ?!". Genji protested angrily.

The Hokage could only sigh and looked at him with regret. "* Sigh! * I made a lot of mistakes in my life, but all the things I do are to protect the village." The Hokage got up from his chair and looked out the window sadly.

"They are mistakes that I cannot allow anyone to know ...". The Hokage turns to look at Genji.

"That means my chains are something that can't come out and you can understand if there is something you don't want people to find out. But putting a seal on my hand is going too far even for the Hokage himself!".

"I just want you to understand, how willing I am to have measures against your Genji chains. You know what you would do if the neighboring villages discover that you have the diamond chains ... The most logical thing is that they try to kill you or try something against the village and in the worst-case war! Some sensei from other villages may indeed know what they are, but I want to avoid possible problems. " The Hokage tells him and waves his hand to Neko.

"I only want the best for you and the Genji village. The seal will only warn me if you use the chains, because of the type of chakra you give off when using them. With everything fixed you can retire."

Genji said nothing and with the war lost, he leaves the Hokage's room as the sunset closed tightly.

Neko seeing Genji coming out is shown with a puzzled mind as he looks at how things got out of control and begins to doubt the Hokage a bit, but still kneels in front of the Hokage.

"Take your mask off". The Hokage tells him, to better see his expressions of what happened.

Neko removes the mask from him and looks at him. "I did not think that things would turn out this way, but I cannot let my sins come to light, therefore Anbu Neko will be placed with Genji and supervise at all times of the day, hidden in the shadows and report back to me! situation! Of all the anbu you are the best tracking and protecting the target…! ". She tells her by placing a seal on her shoulder and seeing that she was leaving the place.


