
Card Mysic

The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand more are barren, hostile and unforgiving, this is the reality that Zilong, a spoilt kid that never knew danger in his life, only to be thrown in the most dangerous part of it in his life, knew too well. Zilongs comrade found peace in the blossom of the God of death, and he alone was cursed to wander the expanse of the universe, becoming something above all, some thing unknown, something that can gobble up universes in one bite. *THE BEAST OF ARMAGEDDON*

immoral_saint · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

15. Relentless pursuit

As Zilong wandered through the mesmerizing field, he couldn't shake a growing sense of confusion. The landscape was breathtaking, but something felt off. Despite his towering and imposing new form, it seemed as though nothing in this strange realm noticed his presence.

His confusion deepened when he encountered various creatures roaming the field. Some were as beautiful and otherworldly as the flowers, while others looked like fierce and formidable beasts. Yet, none of them paid any attention to him. It was as if he were invisible, a ghost wandering through an alien paradise.

His confusion turned to alarm when he saw a massive monkey, the size of a horse, bounding towards him. The creature was covered in thick, dark fur, its eyes burning with a predatory intensity. Zilong instinctively braced himself, his muscles tensing as he prepared to defend against the impending attack. He had no idea how his new form would fare against such a beast, but he was ready to fight.

To his shock, the monkey didn't slow down or change course. Instead, it leaped straight at him, its powerful limbs extended and its claws ready to strike. Zilong's heart pounded in his chest, convinced he was about to be torn apart. But just as the creature should have made contact, it passed right through him, like a phantom.

Zilong staggered, momentarily disoriented. He spun around, expecting to see the monkey preparing for another attack. Instead, he saw the beast pounce on a smaller, frog-like monster that had been hiding behind him. The frog-like creature let out a high-pitched squeal as the monkey's claws closed around it, completely unaware of Zilong's existence.

Realization dawned on Zilong, a mixture of relief and bewilderment washing over him. He wasn't just unnoticed; he was intangible, an unseen observer in this strange world. The creatures moved through him as if he were made of air, their focus solely on their own interactions and hunts.

He watched as the monkey tore into its prey, the brutal scene unfolding with a strange detachment. Zilong felt like an intruder in a world where he didn't belong, a silent witness to the primal dance of predator and prey.

Zilong continued to explore, his mind racing with questions. Why was he here? How could he be invisible and intangible in this realm? The beauty of the field and the towering pillars with their glowing runes took on a surreal, dreamlike quality. The little balls of white crystals floating in the sky seemed to mock his confusion, their serene light contrasting sharply with the turmoil inside him.

As he walked, Zilong noticed more creatures going about their lives, completely oblivious to his presence. He felt a profound sense of isolation, despite being surrounded by so much life. It was a peculiar and unsettling experience, being a silent observer in a world that didn't seem to acknowledge his existence.

This new reality was both a blessing and a curse. While he was safe from the dangers of this realm's creatures, he was also cut off from any potential interactions or guidance. Zilong knew he had to find answers, to understand why he had been brought here and what his presence here was.

Zilong concentrated... Then a collection of words morphed in formed in front of him...

Yes..., after absorbing both the deity's and the executioner's memories he now knew how to summon the words at will.


[Name: Zilong Ning]

[Race: __{31.02% completed}__\ human]

[Zenith path: mortal]

[Human on../..off]


Zilong looked at these words, ' this seems a little short for a system, Zilong thought, thinking about all the systems he has seen...heard, all the sysem he had heard or read about in various novels and manga.

He could also revert back to the human form and change to this form at will.., he thought in his mind, and then his body began to shrink his bones reduced in size and Zilong couldnt see as far away as he could with the other form, "Tch..", Zilong cursed he felt weak all over his body, he fell on his knees and ajusted to his normal body, "argh..I hate that feeling.." Zilong grimaced as he stood up, getting into or out of the uncompleted form wasn't painful, just very uncomfortable.

Zilong stood in his original human form, the combined powers of the deity and executioner now dormant within him.

The instant he completed his transformation, the atmosphere around him changed dramatically. The serene beauty of the field took on a more menacing tone as the creatures that had previously ignored him suddenly became acutely aware of his presence.

A low growl echoed behind him. Zilong turned to see the massive monkey, its eyes now locked onto him with a predatory intensity. Panic surged through him as he realized he was no longer invisible or intangible. He was vulnerable, and the creatures of this realm saw him as prey.

Before he could react, the monkey lunged at him, its powerful limbs propelling it forward with terrifying speed. Zilong barely managed to dodge, but the creature's claws raked across his arm, leaving deep, bloody gashes. He ran, pain shot through him, but he couldn't afford to stop.

More creatures, drawn by the scent of his blood and the realization of his presence, began to converge on him. The once-beautiful field was now a dangerous landscape filled with hostile beasts. Zilong ran, his heart pounding, his mind racing to find a way out.

As he sprinted through the field, dodging attacks and trying to evade the pursuing monsters, he saw a faint outline on the horizon. Squinting through the pain and fear, he recognized the shapes of buildings— a village. Hope flared within him. If he could reach the village, he might find safety or at least a momentary respite from the relentless pursuit.

Pushing through the pain, Zilong ran with everything he had. The creatures were relentless, snapping at his heels and striking whenever they got close. He took several more hits, claws and fangs leaving painful wounds on his body. Blood dripped from numerous cuts, but he couldn't stop. His survival depended on reaching the village.

The village grew closer with each desperate step. He could make out the details now, small houses with thatched roofs and wooden fences. The sight fueled his determination, and he forced himself to run faster, ignoring the searing pain in his muscles and the blood loss that was making him dizzy.

With a final, desperate burst of speed, Zilong reached the outskirts of the village. He stumbled past the first few houses, collapsing near a small courtyard. The creatures hesitated at the boundary of the village, growling and pacing but not crossing the invisible line that seemed to protect the human settlement.

Villagers began to emerge from their homes, drawn by the commotion. They stared in shock at the bloodied and exhausted stranger who had collapsed in their midst. Zilong struggled to stay conscious, his vision blurring as he looked up at the curious and concerned faces. He tried to speak, but his strength was failing.

Just before he lost consciousness, he managed to utter a single, desperate plea for help. The last thing he saw before darkness claimed him was a group of villagers rushing toward him, their expressions a mix of fear and compassion. Zilong knew that whatever awaited him in this village, it was his only chance at survival.

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