
Card Master Traveler

(First 16 chaps are kind of wobbly since I didn't have a proper direction i wanted to focus on) You know the gist; guy dies, reincarnates, and all that stuff Zach Madik, an average person in all aspects, after getting ran over by the legendary Truck-kun, finds himself in space. There, he was informed by an androgynous person that he won a raffle from a company, a reincarnation company to be exact. ------------------------------------- MC travels fictional worlds 1st world: MHA (WORLD IS FOCUS NOT ACADEMY) ------------------------------------- Some stuff I'd like to say: 1.) This is my first time writing and English is my 2nd language. 2.) I am doing this for fun so updates may be irregular. 3.) Mc is a mix of True and Chaotic Neutral, meaning he is someone who doesn't care about good or evil, and self-interest is the one that drives him. 4.) Pace is kinda slow. ------------------------------------- I'll try to update whenever I have free time. Cover(not mine) is Kuzuha(VTuber)

m00nflower · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Small Girl

After sending the man to the afterlife, I check the surroundings to see if there was someone who saw the scene.

And upon seeing that no one was watching, the vomit that I was holding back finally caught up to me as I empty my insides on the wall while clutching my stomach.

It's my first time killing someone after all. It would be weird if I didn't feel anything about it.

After a few minutes of vomiting and sorting out thoughts, I came to the conclusion that if I didn't kill them, then I would be the one lying on the ground right now. Not reason enough, but good for now.

Standing up with my bowels empty, I once again check the surroundings before looking at the corpses in front of me.

Ignoring the buzzing of the system, most likely to deliver my rewards, I inspect the three corpses.

Hmm... some bloodied eyeballs, dead face skin, and other disgusting stuff.

Good thing I emptied my bowels earlier.

Anyways, I also saw that, in their jeans' pockets, they had a round badge with what looked like a rat eating its own tail on it.


Looks like they were part of some kind of organization or criminal group...

Seeing the badges, I did the only thing that I could think of. I tied my fingers with my handkerchief, picked up the badges, and threw them as far as I could in a random direction. Though there was a possibility that it landed somewhere near my hotel, I'll deal with it when I get there.

Anyways, the reason why I threw them was that there may be something like a small tracking device inside. It's not like I can destroy it, because it may alert the receiver on the other side.

After nodding to myself, I tilt my head as I wonder what I'm going to do with these corpses...

*tug* *tug*

Feeling a tug on my shirt, I turn around to see a small girl, her height barely reaching my chest.

"P-Please don't go." Came a wobbly voice from her lips.

The girl has shoulder-length smooth and straight black hair, icy blue puffy doe-eyes, thin lips, and a small round nose. She was wearing a black one piece dress with its ends slightly burnt and below her feet were sandals with mismatched colors.

Seeing the cute girl and her state, I let go of the hand that was holding my shirt as I knelt down before her.

"U-Uhh, little girl? Where are your parents...?"

Crap... I have no experience talking to little girls...

"I-In my house..." The little girl meekly said with her head down.

She's scared of me isn't she?

Releasing a sigh, I remove the bloodied handkerchief from my hand and threw it on the floor. I was thinking of petting her head but I thought it would be horrifying for someone you just met, who killed someone in front of you to suddenly pat you on the head.

So I just backed away a little bit and spread my arms wide while still remaining in a kneeling position. Basically, I'm T-posing while kneeling.

Seeing me, the girl tilted her head to the side, confused.

"What are you doing?"

Oh! She's no longer stuttering I see! Looks like it works then.

"Showing you that I won't do anything bad. So you don't have to worry about me hurting you okay?" I said while trying my best to show a gentle smile.

Seeing the girl nod her head slowly, I ask,

"What's your name?"

"Althea." She curtly said as she gazed at me with her icy-blue eyes.

"I see, can you close your eyes for me, Althea? I'm going to be cleaning up these guys after all. We can talk more later." I said while pointing to the corpses and their blood that got on the walls and the floor of the alleyway. She's still a little kid after all. Even if she has already seen them, it doesn't mean she can handle it.

Seeing where my finger pointed to, Althea's expression changed a little, but in the end she said,

"It's okay. I can handle it."

Seeing her expression, Though I have some questions, I let her do as she wants as I again begin to wonder on what to do with these corpses and blood all around.

Do I burn them? But the fire attracts attention... it can also spread to the other buildings... Put them in a trash bag and throw them somewhere? But its smell can still be detected...

As I wondered on how to take care of my murders, I heard a sudden bell sound in my mind.

[The System suggests the user to look into its new features.]

Hmm? Alright then...

Finding a spot that has no blood on it, I sat down as I read the notifications that I ignored earlier.


[ //Mission- 'Human Traffickers'// (COMPLETED)]

Rewards: {3 levels}, {3000 coins}

[First Mission Bonus! : {Rewards x2}]


[Congratulations! You have reached Level 1!]

Rewards: {Quirk: Card Master}, {Card Skill: Store}, {1 blank card}, {1000 coins}


[Congratulations! You have reached Level 2!]

Rewards: { [//CARD INVENTORY//]}, {1 blank card}, {1000 coins}


[Congratulations! You have reached Level 3!]

Rewards: {1 blank card}, {1000 coins}


[Congratulations! You have reached Level 6!]

Rewards: { [//SHOP//] }, {Quirk Card}, {3 blank cards}, {3000 coins}


[ //STATUS// ]

Name: Zach

Age: 4 years

Level: 0 >> 6

(NEW) Quirk/s: |Card Master|, |One For All|

Bloodline/s: <One For All>

Skills: -

Card Skills: Store(I)(NEW)

Titles: -

[//SHOP// (12000 coins)]


- (6) Blank Cards

- (1) Quirk Card


Overwhelmed by the burst of notifications, I hold my head as the system said,

[The System suggests to use the item -blank card- on each of the corpses.]

Blank Card? Oh, this thing at the bottom of the Card Inventory. Judging by its name, its a storage for cards? So only cards can be stored?

Deciding to think on the matter later, I focus on the -blank card- part of my status.


[(6) Blank Card- A blank card that can be used to store inanimate objects. Only 1 item per card can be stored. Infrastructures cannot be stored.]


'So its something like a storage for items, but is instead stored in cards, and said cards are stored in an inventory... Isn't it kind of repetitive?'

[Would the user like to remove the //CARD INVENTORY// function?]

'What?! So you can do that as well? If I said yes, do I get some kind of reparation?!' I asked, getting quite excited.



Moving on, though I have lots of questions about this -blank card-, I decide to put it in the back of my mind right now as I am in a hurry. Who knows, some random dude may just pop out of one of the alleyways.

Hmm... How do I make it appear? Do I just focus?

Focusing intently at the -blank card- option, 6 white, smooth cards with a metallic sheen suddenly appeared before me and fell on the ground.

Though slightly surprised at their appearance, I pick one up as I feel its smooth texture.

After picking up 3 of them, I squint my eyes at the other three with the intention of making them return to the card inventory.

Sure enough, after I blinked, the spot at where they were supposed to be was now empty and my card inventory now has (3) Blank Cards in it.

With that out of the way, I inspect one of the three cards in front of me.

From the from to the back of the card is all white. No other color, just pure white. For a card, it is quite heavy. I can probably use this as a shuriken of some sorts. As for its size, it is exactly the same as a playing card.

Putting the other two in my pocket, I got up from my sitting position and walk over to one of the corpses. Placing the card on its head, I pass my intention to it as I saw a scene that I would most likely remember for all my life.

Below me, the card slowly started to levitate. As I back away a few steps, the afternoon sun shone upon the item as the corpse and some of the blood rapidly dissipated into the air and an illustration of a skull appeared on the card's surface.

After recovering from my daze at the magical phenomenon, I walk over to the card as I pick it up and inspect any changes to it.

On its front side, an illustration of a black skull with its jaw slightly open can be seen. While on the upper-right corner of the backside, the words 'Sakma Dik' is written.

Seeing the name, I felt a sense of camaraderie.

Jokes aside, I also notice that some of the blood on my shirt and on the surroundings are now nowhere to be seen.

Noticing my confusion, the system answered,

[Fluids from corpses are included because it is considered as part of the body.]

Oh? How neat. I won't need to worry about getting caught through fluid samples in the future then.

I also noticed that, from -blank card-, it has now changed to,


[Corpse Card(human)- Contains a corpse.]


Moving on, after stuffing the card back into the inventory, I repeated the process two more times, and the results of both were the same as the first. With the names written on the back the only things different.

Now all that was left of their existence were 3 pairs of clothing and some shoe wear which I just threw in a trash can after pouring some alcohol on them.

And after cleaning some spilled trash, the only indicator that a fight happened here is... none!

Nodding proudly to myself, I straighten out my now blood-free shirt and put my also now blood-free handkerchief, which I used as a grip on the kitchen knife, inside my bag.

Putting on my backpack, I step forward and begin my way ho-

*tug* *tug*

Feeling a tug on my shirt, I turned my head backwards as I'm faced with a now tearing-up little girl.

"Please.... *hic* don't leave me... *hic*" As she said that, she clung onto my shirt, staining it with her snot and tears.

…Oops, looks like I forgot about her...

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