
Card Apprentice Daily Log

Dalton Wyatt, a world-renowned Scientist, and Inventor is transmigrated to the body of a high school student Dalton Wyatt who committed suicide due to unfortunate circumstances and complicated life.  The enchanting world of cards was completely different yet similar to Dr Wyatt's homeworld earth.  Unlike peace full earth where humans fought other humans, This new world was plagued with Dungeons and Monsters people here fought with monsters for the survival of humanity.  Mortal humans were not strong enough to fight these mythical and legendary creatures, thankfully some blessed humans could actively control their souls to manifest soul power and become Card apprentices to fight for the humanities chance at survival.  Card apprentices are people who contract grimoire and use various powerful yet resourceful cards to fight off the monsters and conquer dungeons.  Grimoire provides the card apprentice with abilities like Card creation and Card fusion, most importantly it allows the Card apprentice to display their full potential in a card fight.  Even though this world has the concept of science but it is not focused on electronics and industrialization like back on the earth, here the world has cards for every little thing's eliminating the need for electronics.  This new world is highly focused on grimoire abilities such as Card creation and Card fusion.  Coming to a world where money could buy him strength Dr. Wyatt had to earn money for his survival.  But thanks to his otherworldly information and knowledge, card creation comes easily to Dr. Wyatt compared to other card apprentices.  Dr. Wyatt creates and sells various perfect, powerful, and resourceful cards to earn money and get stronger step by step in this monster-ridden world for his survival.  ... "What did you say? Making good cards is hard? Bah! Card creation is a breeze." "My friend, allow me to enlighten you - there are no 'trash card ingredients,' only incompetent card creationists." [Bloody Veins - G rank, Mortal grade] [Nyon Rope  G rank, Mortal grade] [Common Core - G rank, Mortal grade] Card creation… complete!  [ Card Name - Bloody Rope    Card Type - Item card   Card Rank - E rank, Common grade    Card Rating - 3 stars    Card Durability - (100/100)    Card Effect - The Bloody Rope can bind and incapacitate its target. When in contact with a target's wound, the item effects paralysis and blood drain are triggered.   Additional Effect: Paralysis, Blood Drain] "This can't be real! You've used G-rank mortal grade ingredients, and yet you've managed to craft an E-rank common grade card with full durability and a rating of three stars? This isn't real, I must be dreaming! I couldn't possibly have woken up today - I am still asleep in my bed dreaming."

IGotStones · Jogos
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2099 Chs


Date 21 Mar 2321

Time 23:57

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower 1, Card Lab

It took me nearly 4 hours to just create an enhanced femur bone core. I had yet to add the soul reactor and the artificial beast will to the femur bone core.

Without further ado I began with the creation of the Artificial beast will for the undead creature.

I already had a working artificial beast will ingredient but it was not what I expected it to be, it did not have consciousness of its own and it could only follow perfectly defined commands. 

This artificial beast will would be enough for labour or mount summon beast but not enough for combat summoned beast. The artificial beast will was a total let down.

But I could still use it to create a perfect beast will with the help of other ingredients and my otherworldly knowledge of AI.

Then I enhance the skeleton centaur knight beast will core using the other 4 skeleton knight and warhorse cores. 

From the two Skeleton Knight cores, I transfer the skills Sword mastery, Blunt weapon mastery, Heavy weapon mastery, Shield mastery, Spear mastery, Archery and Cavalry to the Skeleton Centaur Knight core.

From the two Skeleton Warhorse cores, I transfer the skills Stampede, Storm rush, Epicenter, Barrow strike, Earthshock, Enrage to the Skeleton Centaur Knight core.

Being half humanoid and half horse, Skeleton Centaur Knight should have no problem using these skills. 

Having enhanced the Skeleton Centaur Knight core, I strengthen the soul pathways of the artificial beast will using the High Wood wisp soul pathways more than enough to dominate and control the Skeleton Centaur Knight beast will. 

After that, I combine the Skeleton Centaur Knight beast will with the artificial beast will, the resistance from the Skeleton Centaur Knight beast will was not much of a fight for the strengthened artificial beast will. 

I combined the two wills to remove the resistance of Skeleton Centaur Knight beast will and give the artificial beast will a conscience.

This new artificial beast will was enough for the creation of undead summon but I want to add something I learnt back on earth to achieve a more efficient beast will.


There is a pop-psychology concept that each of us is right-brained or left-brained but it's just a myth you're not left-brained or right-brained. 

Although the two sides function differently, they work together and complement each other. You don't use only one side of your brain at a time. Whether you're performing a logical or creative function, you're receiving input from both sides of your brain.

Based on the type of work you are engaging in one side of the brain is dominant while the other side is supportive.

But this myth led to one of the greatest invention ever in the history of earthlings, that is using the supportive part of the human brain to download AI to control automated prosthetics. 

The theory is quite long but in short the human conscious would occupy the dominant part of the brain while the AI would be downloaded in the supportive part of the brain to command automated prosthetics. 

This way there would be no conflict between the host conscious and AI rather the AI could assist and support the host conscious actively in controlling automated prosthetics. 

There are two types of conscience in our brain, the normal conscious and the subconscious. Their relation is such that they complement each other. 

The normal conscious is the dominant conscious while the subconscious is the supportive one which will be downloaded with AI to complement the normal conscious efficiently.

One would ask why not download the AI in the dominant part of the brain, doing this will lead to the host turning brain dead. As the normal conscious will actively resist and try to be the dominant conscious. 

Whereas the subconscious will not fight back as there is no such thing as subconscious they are just second thoughts of the normal conscious that humans are too afraid to think. So, the AI can easily occupy the supportive part of the brain and follow the command of the dominant conscious in controlling automated prosthetics. 

Using this concept I connect the soul pathways of the new artificial beast will and Debra's supportive part of the brain forming a bond between them. This way I download a copy of the new artificial beast will in Debra's supportive part of the brain.

This concept was used to control automated prosthetics back on earth but in the case of Debra, I think it will give her better command over her undead summon. 

Then I transfer the new artificial beast will soul pathways into the enhanced femur bone core. With this, all that is missing is the power source soul reactor.

A soul reactor is just like a heart its function is to circulate soul power.

All that was left to do was transfer the soul pathways of the soul reactor into the femur bone core. But before doing that I enhance the soul reactor soul pathways.

Having transferred soul pathways of the soul reactor and the new artificial beast will in the enhanced femur bone core. Now all I had to do was interconnect all three soul pathways according to the life equation as specified in the basic undead creation book.

Done with that I start to inject soul reactor with soul power which in turn activated the beast will which lead the femur bone to regrow into a complete skeleton.

Since the artificial beast will was made using a Skeleton Centaur Knight beast will and the femur bone was also of a Skeleton Centaur Knight it did not take long to create a complete skeleton of Skeleton Centaur Knight.

This Skeleton Centaur Knight was different from other Skeleton Centaur Knight as its skeleton body was completely covered in an exoskeleton knight armour. 

Finally, all three parts of the undead card creation had been achieved, The skeleton body, the beast will and the undead core. 

Now having created the undead creature I activated the morph ability of the origin core converting the undead creature into an undead summoning card. 

Appraising the card stats and skills I nodded in satisfaction. Then I looked at the time it was 9:20 in the morning, it took me 12 hours to create the origin card. 

My eyes were red with stress and lack of sleep while the owner of the origin card was sleeping curled up in a corner of the card lab.

With a sadistic smile on my face I kick Debra, not hard but enough to wake her up. 

"Hey! WTF?" shouted Debra glaring at me.

I did not bother to answer her. I throw the origin card at her face and walk out of the card lab. 

Right now all I wanted was to return home, take a bath and have a good nap. 

But all my sleepiness and tiredness left my body after hearing the high pitched scream that came from the card lab. 

"Aaahhh… OMG!"

Time to get serious!

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