
Capture That Feeling

With the never-ending holiday party at home, no one will miss her if she takes the same flight with that tall boy, right? All she has to do is get on the plane, never mind that the plane will bring her from Oslo to China! ------ "Would you like to come into my room, join me with some drinks and hear what I want?" she drunkenly said it at that time. "Don't worry, I don't mean any harm," she said assuring the man before she dropped herself to the couch. "Are you traveling alone? Don't you have any adult companion with you?" he carefully asked as he stood in front of Ellise. "Hey, mister, you must have difficulty understanding, I already said, I'm alone, right?" she answered back. "You're clearly too young to be drinking alone in a hotel room, in a country where you don't know anybody and on top of that you invited a stranger in your room," he said with concern. "Why, you're also too young to be having an affair with a married woman, meet her in a hotel away from the city in the middle of the night. How old are you, anyway?" she sarcastically answered back, avoiding the issue of inviting a stranger. "I'm twenty, and I'm not having an affair with a married woman," he answered with a straight face. "If you're not having an affair why the two of you clearly look like you're hiding," she said, not planning to lost an answer and question interrogation. "Listen, little girl. You better stop drinking because you're already drunk with all of these expensive wines," he said in annoyance. "You see, I have a credit card that has no limit, paying for all of my expenses here. I've been here in Shanghai since the first week of January, and today is my birthday. It's almost two months already, but nobody has come or asked my family if I'm okay." she said in a broken voice. ------- Bookcover by: Sendaline_16

Jyojiko · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Don't Get Hurt

“What happened?” she asked in confusion and worry. “It’s so unlike you to use your fist.”

He didn’t answer her. A grim expression on his face. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand and saw the blood. He looked for something to wipe the blood but couldn’t find one.

He stood up to get his duffel bag from the overhead compartment when Miss E pulled her back to his seat.

“Here,” she said, handing him a small packet of wet tissue, “Why did you punch Mantis? You will get an earful from your uncle Wan once he heard about it.” she nagged DT while she opened her backpack to get her travel first aid kit.

“Come closer.”

DT eyed the first aid kit on her lap. He gave her a quizzical look.

“I’m going to put something on your nose so it does not swell up,” she replied to his questioning gaze.

“Why do you have a first aid kit on your bag?” he asked with knitted eyebrows.

“Because I am a girl scout. Now, do you want me to clean that wound or not?” she said in a snarky voice to hide her growing worried over DT.

DT didn’t say anything more and just scooted near her. He hunched his shoulder to level up his face to hers. And was surprised to see Miss E blushing.

His heart went wild in his chest. He brought his face nearer to her face to test the notion on his head that Miss E’s face turned crimson because of him.

Her attention was on her lap as she opened the bottle of betadine to clean the small scratch under DT’s right eye, and when she looked up his face was so near her face that she felt her face burn.

She swallowed the lump on her throat trying to keep her composure, as she put a small amount of Betadine on the cotton buds, and gently dabbed the scratch under his eyes that started to show redness.

She focused her eyes on his wound because she was scared for her eyes to wander to his moist lips that were right in front of her face.

DT flinched when the medicine that Miss E put on his skin sting.

“Is it painful?” she whispered when she saw DT winced.

“It’s fine.” He answered biting his lip for he has a feeling he would break into a wide smile if he didn’t do it for Miss E’s expression of worry was just too adorable.

He was controlling himself not to close the gap between them to capture her inviting red lips.

Seeing DT biting his lips, she leaned forward and blow the wound under his eyes. She did it without thinking. She didn’t see the sudden change in DT’s eyes.

‘Too close!’ he screamed internally. He grabbed her wrist and pushed her away from him before he does something that would make Miss E avoid him more than what she is doing right now.

“Enough of that. It was just a small scratch,” he told her as he went back to his seat.

He was startled when Miss E pulled him back to her side, “I am not yet done. Be still.” she said in between her teeth.

He blinked his eyes as he couldn’t believe what he is seeing and hearing from her. He wondered, when did she become so gentle and kind towards him. A stupid thought crossed his mind.

He wouldn’t mind fighting and got some injuries again if he could see her taking care of him with worry in her eyes.

She put some lotion on the bridge of his nose, and he would admit that it felt good. The cream has a cooling sensation on his skin,

“Don’t move.” she squinted her eyes on him as she opened a small packet of cold compressed in her hand. When she successfully opened the small package, she gently put it on the bridge of his nose. “Try not to get hurt.”

DT felt like his heart would actually escape from under his ribcage with all the thumping it is doing. He couldn’t believe that Miss E is capable of being gentle. She has always been a smart ass with a foul mouth towards him.

However, seeing her blushed and treated him gently, DT had an overwhelming feeling of pulling her in his arms.

“Too late.” he uttered under his breath, “I already got hurt.”

Despite saying those words under his breath, in the absence of the rowdy team members inside the bus, DT’s soft words were able to reach Miss E without any problem.

“I’m sure Mantis was hurt too,” she said when she realized the atmosphere between them became awkward again.

She packed her first aid kit back into her bag clumsily. She had a feeling that the hurt DT was talking about has nothing to do with Mantis nor his swollen nose.

She pretended she didn’t hear what he mumbled. She knew where she stands with DT. He has Asya in his life. There is no space for her to be part of it, and even if there is a way she will not do it.

She doesn’t like sharing things she likes.

She was startled with DT grabbed her hands and held them into his hands. He then stared straight into her eyes, and boldly said, “I got hurt when you suddenly disappeared in my life two years ago. This time I would make sure that it wouldn’t happen again.” he declared, taking her hands to his lips for a kiss.

Her eyes widened as her mouth went agape in shock at what just DT said. ‘Who is this man in front of her?’ she wondered.

“When did you become so cheesy, it’s disgusting!” she curled her lips in disdain.

DT just laughed at her, bumping his forehead to hers, then gave her lips a chase kiss, before he sat properly on his seat.

She wasn’t able to utter a single word in surprise. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears like waves being slammed on a rocky shore. ‘What was happening?’ she asked herself in incredulity.

DT was still holding her hand and she could not pull it back for he put their hands inside the pocket of his leather jacket.

“DT, let go of my hand,” she said gritting her teeth and panicking for the other members of the team are now returning to the bus! The other guys would see that DT was holding her hands.

DT didn’t budge instead he closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

She looked outside the window to avoid any eyes that would see them holding hands. She was screaming internally towards DT’s childish behavior.