
Summer Freedom

I start high school soon! I'm SOO excited, but this means, I have to make summer last-"there's only a week before school starts dummy" said Lila. I know, I still have to make it last? "What kinda kid doesn't want to see her friends?" Lila snapped back, I sigh ughh why wouldn't I? I love my friends, I just hate the learning part. That's Lila, my ANNOYING older sister, she's 17, she has brown, shoulder length hair, blue eyes, and pink glasses, oh and she loves school. I have red long hair and purple eyes, weird, I know, but I'm short and I always wear sunglasses so no one is weird about them. Not even my sister remembers. My plan for the week is

• Monday, lazy day

• Tuesday, movie night with friends

• Wednesday, school stuff

• Thursday, lazy day

• Friday-Sunday get school crap ready

I'll tell you about my mum and dad. My mum loves cooking and baking, she does it for a living. My dad works all day long. He's a pilot. On Tuesday I get to go with my two friends, Haley, and Parker. We're going to watch the new, SHADOW HORSE mystery movie!! I'm SOO excited!! It's about this girl and her horse who loves her black horse, then he goes missing and she has to find him. I'm SOO happy! "dinner's ready" mum yelled. Okay, we'll gotta go, oh wait sorry I just have to say I have a BIG secret, I have a crush on my friend Parker, he's so cute he has green eyes, red hair, and freckles, he's just like me, but purple eye thing.