
Captain Capitalism: The Money-Maker System

Born with the wrong kind of talent, shunned from his family, removed of his succession rights and made the guardian of the lowest of the low dungeon─the infamous, most terrible, dungeon that no one visits unless they have to...that was Moros' home. Until a certain wall crumbles, and a new realm sends out its deadly invitation with Moros name on it. It was a hell that was made for him. A hell he will soon call home...and best of all, there is a lot of money to be made.

Fearmongering · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

An idea

Malissa did not wait for Moros to come up with a plan, her job for the night was done. With a firm pat on his back, she waved her best friend goodbye. Tomorrow came knocking, and she still needed some sleep.

Yet, Moros did not even notice her leaving the dungeon nor did he notice anything else. Caught in his own thoughts, he did neither notice nor care that the Gobbla were currently trying to stab him with their fake knives.

No, in his mind a thousand thoughts fought for dominance, dancing around the subject of when and how he too could become a streamer.

He pondered on what he could do to stand out. He knew by heart that he could not be like any of them, he needed to be different.

A plan came to be, stemming from the deepest corners of his brain…a plan not born based on logic, but from his inner man. To beat them, he had to join them…Moros needed to conduct 'research.'

Moros did not have to search long to find the experts on this subject. Poppycock and his gang of social misfits were further away from touching a woman like no one else.

They were so lonely that they took turns putting on wigs and dresses to not learn or forget how women look. The reception for any magical outside transmissions were horrible inside the dungeon.

These people must know a lot about this website. He could just tell that life on the streets had changed them, turned some upstanding man into valuable future customers.

With a quick step he walked straight out of the new dungeon door filled with Gobblas directly to the end of the dungeon, where his new source of information lived.

Moros knocked on Poppycocks' secret hideout again.

His thirst for money and knowledge was a little too intense, causing him to put a little too much strength into his attempted knocking. As a result the entire wall started to shake.

Cursing escaped from the insides of the hideout, many drunk, drugged man were awoken from their wonderful sleep. The lucky ones were awoken by their bed being shaken, like the little lad was shaken in the morning hours to get the last drop out of it.

The unlucky ones met a dungeon stone straight to their head. Which was rather painful and not very healthy for a good nights' sleep.

Then there was the first group, the group that Poppycock belonged to. These extremely unlucky gentlemen were not hit by a dungeon stone directly in their face…no, these poor souls received a direct impact on their children makers.

Their pained cries would echo around these empty halls of the dungeon for an eternity. Future generations would tell of the haunting scream of regret that one could hear in the darkest of nights, echoing throughout the dungeon…like a cry for help that could never be granted.

It was therefore logical that they would come out in a calm and peaceful manner to greet the man responsible for their positive feelings.

The wall was flung open violently and out came a horde of angry man, ready to throw down and kill whatever was before the door.

The whatever turned out to be Moros, a man quite surprised by this kind of welcome.

Before he could even blink a large amount of weapons was flung his way from knives, to swords, to spears, clubs, axes and anything else that these people could get their hands on.

Moros, of course, cursed like a sailor and threw his body to the side, barely dodging the assault of deadly objects thrown at him in a fit of anger.

However, the crowd was not yet satisfied and began to throw even more things that they could get their hands on, forks, spoons, chairs, beds, books and anything else that had not been nailed to the ground.

As a result Moros rolled to the left wall, trying to dodge everything that came his way…his rate of success was not great as the first time.

Several forks were stuck in his forehead, drawing a little blood and made Moros look like some sort of alien.

This entire development did confuse the hell out of Moros, he could not comprehend what he had done to warrant such a response.

The crowd of livid bachelors would also not stop their assault to slowly explain their response to Moros either…that train had departed the moment the door had been opened.

To stop the anger and all the hatred in their eyes, Moros could only resort to one strategy, he had to speak their language.

"I come in peace, I bring news about breasts, real breasts, real bouncing melons."

All actions stopped at once, the interest of the male attackers had been invoked.

"Go on!" spoke Poppycock with his loud authoritative voice, he too might be half asleep…but his brain cells went into overwork to make sense out of the enticing words he had just heard.

Even to him…such news sounded exciting─he had not seen his wife for quite some time now. The dwarf was rather lonely in recent times.

"A friend of mine, A WOMAN…" Moros emphasised these words to give the next words of his more credibility.

"A WOMAN??" the crowd murmured, they could not believe that someone of their kind actually could call someone like this, his friend…

They looked at the teenager covered in monster guts and blood, wondering what he had what they lacked? They were practically the same hygiene-wise and character-wise; they were not much worse than he was…

…so, they all felt utmost envy that the teenager had a female friend, while they only had their wigs to cry themselves to sleep to.


"OOOOH" went the crowd. It was a real woman, she was also breathing. Moros morphed into a figure larger than life in front of their very eyes. If he could get a real woman to talk to him willingly, they too stood a chance in life.

Tears of joy ran over their faces as the faintest ember of hope flickered up. Maybe they would not have to die alone in a ditch, maidenless.

All eyes were aimed at Moros, carefully listening to the words he was about to say. Deep down in their hearts they knew and felt it…the words that would leave his mouth would change their worlds and turn them upside down.

"This WOMAN, brought to us news that there is a place, where there are breasts a plenty. Where there are rivers filled with woman's feet and juicy thighs. Where the buttocks jump freely, where woman gift a smile…

"My brothers, I am talking about a place…you may call it Paradise. This place spoken of only in legends exists. It is dubbed "Kinder"."

The crowd began to fanatically cheer, falling to the floor, thanking the heavens that all of their prayers had been answered. The virgins of the underground would soon find their drought to have come to an end.

"Where do we find this holy land…oh prophet?" a devout, new-born follower asked with genuine curiousness.

"My child…" Moros answered… "Kinder is a place far, far, far away but yet closer than you think. It is a place reached by modern technology. Just search your heart and your tools of technology for 'Kinder' and ye shall find.

The crowd of man prayed before breaking out into yet another cheer.

"KINDER; KINDER; KINDER; KINDER!" they chanted throughout the dungeon.

Their craze, driven by seemingly long years of being critically single, formed into a cult-like state that revolved all around the promise of coming closer to women.

Nothing could ever go wrong with such an arrangement, after all emotionally starved man were known to be reasonable, logical beings.

"I FOUND IT:::" screamed a particular invested believer, staring at a magical visor that he had dug up from somewhere.

"So these are women, real women…they even talk to me."

The man, who had killed 10 people in cold blood, cried for the very first time in his life. As a child, he always believed that he was not capable of crying and yet just seeing a woman had turned him into a better human being.

This was not a one time thing.

All over the dungeon, single, lonely and now a bit horny man, were shedding tears without end. It had been far too long that a woman was willingly talking to them…

The sound of years of repressed feelings confused Moros, but he knew this was his target audience and here he could learn a lot about what kind of streamer he needed to be to appeal to the audience.

Although money was his one and everything, he did not speak at this very moment, since all these people were currently growing as a human being, turning into a kind of person that Moros had never seen prior.

They turned into a viewer, giggling at pictures only they could see and laughed for themselves too.

For once, instead of misery all around him, Moros saw happy people that enjoyed life. All of this was pretty new and hard to fathom for the man with a heart of a dollar.

But, he did realise one thing, the power and potential of the 'Kinder' establishment was absolutely limitless and he too could be one of them in the future, he was absolutely certain.

Moros wanted to be a streamer too.