
Wrong room

Maddie was starting to feel uncomfortable as Elijah was almost inches away from her face. She could smell his unique pheromones, which smelt like cool mint. "You smell familiar like we've met before," Maddie said trying to avoid his question. Elijah knew what she was doing, but was actually dumbfounded that she remembered his scent but not his face. "You have an excellent memory sweetheart. You tell me if we've met before." "Well I can memorize anything, except when it comes to people, I'm a very antisocial person," Maddie said wearily. She didn't know if she can still resist him as he inched closer to her face. There was this unknown force attracting herself to Elijah.

"Do you need help remembering?" Elijah grinned as he inched closer to her. Maddie's face was turning redder as she tried to move further away until she was already at the edge of her seat. "Umm, there's no need for that," Maddie said flustered. Elijah was getting closer, too close. Before she knew it Maddie was already on the floor as she felt a stinging pain on her bottom.

"So you would rather do it there on the floor sweetheart?" Elijah said teasingly as he stood up. "What? No!" Maddie panicked as she got up and ran out the door to her room. Once in her room, she slammed the door and locked it shut. Maddie sensed something wasn't right as she turned around and saw Aiden coming out of the shower only wearing a towel around his waist. How could she have forgotten that this wasn't her room anymore? She can never think straight whenever Elijah would try to make a move on her. Maddie thought 'What's wrong with me, I'm an assassin. How could I have let my guard down around him.' Aiden was surprised to see a beautiful girl in his room but soon realized it was Maddie. She looked gorgeous when her hair was down and not wearing any glasses. Maddie quickly came back to her senses and noticed Aiden just starring at her. "I'm sorry, I forgot this isn't my room anymore. I'll just leave now." Maddie said as she went to the balcony and jumped down to the garden.

Aiden was still in awe, as he stared at the balcony. He couldn't get Maddie's beautiful face out of his mind. His trance was cut short when he heard knocking at his door. So he went over to open it and saw Elijah standing outside his room. "Where is she?" Elijah demanded as he pushed Aiden aside and scanned the room. "She is not here big brother, but feel free to look around," Aiden said teasingly. Elijah gave a glare at Aiden, then noticed that the balcony door was opened and knew she would be hiding in the garden. Aiden watched as he saw his big brother storm downstairs and thought to himself that his future sister-in-law was in big trouble.

Elijah made his way quickly down the stairs to the garden. "Oh sweetheart, if you want to play cat and mouse, you better make sure I don't catch you," Elijah said loudly with a grin on his face. Maddie's heart started to beat rapidly when she heard Elijah. She didn't mean to run away from him, she just panicked. 'Should I reveal myself to him now. But if I got out now he will definitely scold me and punish me for running away from him. Maybe I should just let him cool down a little and explain to him later.' Maddie thought, she was feeling very conflicted in her heart. 'Wait, what did Elijah mean when he said he will help me remember. Does this mean he acknowledged that we have met before? But when?'

It was getting dark and Maddie knew that she couldn't hide from Elijah forever. She had to come out sooner or later and it was already time for supper. So she made her way to the dining area, where she met the two brothers stares. "Sister-in-law where have you been, big brother has been looking everywhere for you. If I were you, I would have continued to hide." Aiden said while feeling sorry for Maddie. "I'm sorry Master, I didn't mean to run away from you. I just panicked in the library and when you came to look form me in the garden, I got frightened. I thought you would scold me, so I just came out now hoping that you would have already calmed down." Maddie just stared at Elijah while he remained silent in his chair. "Haha, big brother, look what you did you made your little wife afraid of you," Aiden said jokingly. "Is that true? Are you that frightened of me?" Elijah said with a cold tone. "Of course who in their right mind wouldn't be scared of you, Master. I've heard many ruthless stories about you in the underworld." Maddie said defensively. "Oh, it looks like your reputation proceeds you, big brother, even in your own household," Aiden said happily. "Let's talk about this later after supper, come and have a seat. You must be hungry from all that hiding." Elijah said while feeling defeated. How is he suppose to make Maddie fall for him if she is afraid of him?

Dinner went by quickly and quietly. Nobody wanted to say a word while Aiden was enjoying watching his brother's frustrated expression. Elijah just kept staring at Maddie while Maddie was just looking down at her food quietly eating. Elijah couldn't take the silence anymore, so he stood up and grabbed Maddie's arm pulling her to their bedroom. Maddie was startled by his sudden action and all she could do was follow his lead up the stairs. She started to panic knowing she will get scolded at and punished. Elijah threw Maddie into the room and locked the door behind him. He gave Maddie a cold stare with his arms crossed across his chest, which made her gulp a mouthful of saliva. She knew at this moment she was doomed.

"I'm sorry Master, I'll accept any punishment you give me." Maddie knelt on the ground defeated. Elijah watched her actions and waked up to her, knelt down, brushed the hair away from her face using his long slender fingers, and gave her a hug. "You don't have to be afraid of me, I will never hurt you and I will protect you from any harm," Elijah whispered into her ear. Maddie felt comfort in his warm embrace as she buried her head into his chest and embraced him back. They remained to embrace for a while before Elijah picked her up and sat her down on the bed.

"You're the boy from the stairs right?" Maddie said while looking down. "How long have you known about me? And how come you never told me." Elijah caressed her cheek and pinched her chin upwards so she will look at him. "I've known for a couple of years already and I never told you because I wanted to see if you feel the way I do." Maddie gave a cute smile. "I was so cocky and free-spirited as a child. I didn't even know what love was yet and thought the idea of marriage meant having happiness with one special person. I was always envious of my parent's love, they made it look so effortless. But you know what? Ever since that day you stole my first kiss during our fight, I noticed there was something different about you. There was this connection I couldn't explain, an invisible force pulling us together. You made me feel emotions I never thought I could feel. "Elijah gave her a deep passionate kiss then let go of her reluctantly. "Go prepare for bed, I still have a few more documents to finish." "I can help you if you need." "Don't worry about it and go to bed early. Don't wait up for me." "Okay don't work so late you need to get up early tomorrow," Maddie said as she watched Elijah leave the room.

Aiden saw Elijah walking out of his room with a smile on his face, so he followed Elijah to his study to find out what made his big brother so happy. "Big brother, what's with that silly grin on your face.? Did you enjoy torturing your wife or something?" Elijah gave a nasty look to Aiden. 'As if I would torture my wife.' Elijah thought. "She confessed her love for me." Aiden was speechless. "Are you sure that's what she said? It's only been a week since she knew you. How can she fall in love that fast?" "We've known each other since I was 12 and she was the one who proposed to me first." "Wait. What? So you two are childhood sweethearts? Why is it that I've never seen her before." Aiden felt confused trying to wrap his head around this new information. "That's because we only met once before." "Haha, so sister-in-law was actually daring enough to propose to you. No wonder you never let any woman get close to you, you were already taken." "Yeah, that was the best and worst day of my life," Elijah said with a pain in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Aiden probed. "Well, that day I came to the office because the father wanted to tell me about something. I arrived early so I decided to do some studying on the stairway. That was when I met her, she was so clumsy and cute back then and she impressed me with her intellect and unique personality. I treated her wounds when she fell and she proved to me she was a genius at the age of 5. But when I came to our fathers office he told me that he was sending me abroad to attend school. I was devastated that I wouldn't be able to see her again. But you know father, what he says goes. So I had no choice back then but to leave. So that night I left her a letter saying that I'll find her again. But the next year when I came home to visit, she was gone, I even gathered her information back then. Even her father stopped working at the company suddenly. Back then I just thought her family relocated. But 5 years after that incident when I started taking over the business, I discovered my father assassinated her family. I did everything I could to take the company from father and leave him with nothing. I despised him for killing my wife and I never forgave him. Once I became the CEO and established my position in the underworld, that was when I found her again. I wanted so badly to claim her back then, but I knew it wasn't the right time. If I wanted to protect her I needed a higher position in the underworld. This is why I became the ruthless King of the Underworld. Once I found out Teacher Li was going to let Maddie move away, I just couldn't let her escape this time. I've lost her once, and I'm not about to lose her again."