
Who was my mother exactly?

Meanwhile, the two brothers were talking in the study. "Big brother, did I do well?" Aiden said as he wanted some praise. "Mmm, but be careful around her, she might blame you for the situation she is in now," Elijah warned him while looking through some documents. "Hahaha. What do I have to worry about, my future sister-in-law looks harmless." "Don't underestimate her, she may look delicate and innocent but she is the top assassin in the underworld." Aiden gulped by this surprising news. "What the heck! Why didn't you inform me before about this? Are you trying to get me killed? Maybe future sister-in-law might kill me in my sleep or worse torture me to death. Wait, can I change my mind. I'd rather stay with our parents. I'm too young and handsome to die." "What are you getting so worked up about. She won't make any move on you as long as your under my roof unless I tell her to, at most she will just pull some harmless pranks. So you should be more afraid of me. Don't think I forgot about your little stunt when you introduced yourself to my wife." Elijah said as he gave Aiden a warning glare.

Elijah and Aiden started to talk about business abroad and in the underworld. "Big brother it seems like that group is searching for someone, but I can't figure out who." "While you're here, I want you to find a lead of who they are and why they want her. Maybe we can negotiate with them, it seems like we have the same goal." "What do you mean by her big brother, are you talking about sister-in-law?" Aiden was confused, how was Elijah able to figure out who they were searching for when he himself had no leads. "I just knew someone will be searching for her eventually after her disappearance. Although her father used to work for our company in the past, her mother is a complete mystery. It was as if she never existed. The only record of her is on Maddie's birth certificate as her mother, other than that there is no trail of her existence."

Aiden was dumbfounded by how much Elijah was able to uncover. "Big brother, if you are so curious, why don't you just ask sister-in-law yourself. It seems like she really trusts you and is not hiding anything from you. Just like what she said during lunch, you can ask her anything." "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing too. I'll go ask her now, it been awhile since I've seen her beautiful face." Elijah said with a smile on his face as he stood up to look for Maddie. "Big brother it's only been a few hours, I doubt she misses you as well," Aiden said with a pout on his face. He felt it was unfair because his brother never gave this much attention to anyone before not even to his own brother.

Maddie was in the villa's library and found it unusual that Elijah hasn't come looking for her. She had been used to always being by his side while she reads or works on documents. She was starting to miss him but she didn't know why she felt this way. Just when she was about to get up to look for Elijah, she heard the door open and Elijah's tall figure coming in. "Did you miss me?" Elijah said teasingly while staring at her cute confused face. Maddie was startled because he knew what she was thinking. He walked up to her and sat on the chair beside her. "What are you reading?" "Oh, I'm reading the ATLAS. The world is a very beautiful place it's just a shame that the only places I've been to were dangerous and have been damaged by human greed." Maddie said with a pain in her voice. Elijah examined her face and felt a pain in his heart. It was like he wanted to protect her from all the harm of this world. But he knew no matter how hard he tried to protect her, she would still be caught up in his dangerous life.

Elijah stroked her long jet black hair and looked at her sad eyes. "No matter how chaotic this world may seem to you, just always remember that I will make your life beautiful." Maddie was touched by his words, she always had this gut feeling that she could trust him no matter what and he would never betray her. This was the same feeling she felt when she was a child.

Elijah sat up straight in his chair and looked straight at Maddie. "Umm, Master? Why are you looking at me like that?" "I wanted to ask you a serious question but I'm not sure if it might be a too sensitive topic," Elijah said seriously. "Ohh, is that all? Go ahead and ask." "I wanted to ask you about your mother, but if you don't want to talk about her it's fine." "No, no, no... We can talk about her. It's just that I don't have much to say. As you know I was very young when I lost my parents and at that time I never knew my mother's occupation. Even when I asked her, she would just say she fought bad guys. So now that I think about it, it's possible she was also an assassin or worked undercover for the government that's why she never talked about her work. But I was only 6 and I didn't really care back then. I'm sorry if I couldn't tell you anything useful but my mother paid a lot of attention to me like what lessons I'm allowed to learn and what specific activities I had to do. She had a crazy list of things that she made me learn." "No wonder you were so smart when I met you. And don't worry. I just wanted to help you find more information about your past." "What do you mean when you first met me? Weren't we fighting when we first met each other?" Elijah came closer to caress her face and look into her eyes. "Did you already forget how we first met?"

Well since there is a COVID-19 pandemic and I’m staying home. I finally have time to write. So who ever out there is reading my novel. Thank you and stay safe everyone. Always remember social distancing if you don’t have the privilege to stay home.

Brokenwingscreators' thoughts