

Ever since Maddie was 3, she would break out of the daycare and wander around the building. She always hated staying in the daycare but she had no choice since her parents never let her attend school and this was her only form of social involvement with kids her own age. By the time she was 5, she knew every part of the building. She was one of the eldest ones in the daycare and didn't enjoy spending time with the other children. Her parents were busy with work most of the time, so she had no choice but to be imprisoned here once she was finished with her private lessons. Although she was young the other employees there were accustomed to her roaming around alone and would sometimes give her snacks when she was on their floor because she was so cute. Everyone knew she was the daughter of the head scientist in the building and he was highly praised by their boss. They all knew she was a child prodigy when she started correcting people when they made a mistake. At first, they didn't believe her until they realized the mistakes they made. Of course, there were some stubborn ones who didn't want to be corrected by a child but Maddie didn't care if they wanted to be corrected or not. She was just being nice if the didn't want her help then it's their loss.

Maddie liked hiding at the stairs because this way no one will see her and she is free to roam to any floor she likes. She liked to be alone every once in a while since the employees there gave her so much attention. This was when she met that boy, he was in his young teens around 12 years old, short black hair, and wearing the uniform from a prestigious high school. She saw him studying on the stairs, so she wanted to have a closer look at what he was studying. She didn't really see how his face looked like because she was more interested in his textbook. The boy noticed someone was watching him so he said. "Why don't you come out and show yourself, I promise I won't bite." Maddie was startled and fell down a few steeps and scraped her knees. When the boy saw that it was a little girl he was surprised by how young and sneaky she was, usually, he would be able to detect someone coming. The little girl in front of him wore a princess type light blue dress and her long black hair covering her face which made her look adorably clumsy.

He went over to help the little girl sit on the step of the stairs and treated her wounds using the first aid kit from his bag. "What are you doing here little girl. You could have gotten hurt more, you should have someone to watch over you." The boy said with an annoyed voice. "Your answer in number 3,5 and 8 are wrong." The boy was startled by what she said because he was answering a college textbook in advanced mathematics. How was she able to understand that at her young age. "And I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm old enough to take care of myself. Would you like me to teach you how to answer?" Maddie said proudly since she was excellent in math since the age of 2. "Haha as if you can answer this. This is a college textbook it's too advanced for a little girl like you." "Wanna bet? If I can answer it you have to marry me in the future. And if I can't, I will work for you half off?" Maddie said excitedly. "And why would I want a little girl to work for me and why half off?" "Haha, you won't be able to afford me for full price. I don't work cheap and I would never work for free." The boy was dumbfounded by how confident this little girl was. "Okay deal. Answer 3,5,8 and the remaining numbers." The boy handed his textbook to her and a notebook and watched her answer while he finished treating her wound. He didn't take her deal seriously since it was a win-win situation for him anyway. He really was struggling with those numbers and if she was able to detect it quickly, she must be smart. She was exactly the type of girl he would be with in the future. Plus, she looked incredibly adorable.

When the boy was treating her wounds, Maddie noticed how gentle and caring he was. This gave her a warmth inside. Even though she as only 5, she had a feeling they would meet again in the future. She knew at that moment there was a connection she couldn't explain. Maddie observed his concerned face and she could see a glint of pain in his eyes. She didn't know why but she wanted to make that pain go away. The boy felt guilty since it was his fault that Maddie hurt herself falling down the stairs. After about an hour Maddie handed the notebook back to the boy and he was amazed to see her clear problem solving and knew that her answers were correct. "Where did you learn to do this?" The boy said in amazement. "By the way, what's your name, little girl?" "Oh, no is that the time already? I need to go now. I'm in big trouble. Goodbye, my future husband. And don't dare look for other girls because you won't find another one like me." Maddie said cheekily as she sped off down the stairs with a huge smile on her face. Before the boy could even say a word, the little girl was nowhere to be seen. It was as if she vanished into thin air. The boy just smiled as he looked down at his notebook. He couldn't forget her focused expression while she was answering the math problems.

The boy left and went to his father's office. "Elijah, where have you been? You've been gone for hours." Elijah's father shouted worriedly. "I've met my future wife," Elijah said with a grin on his face as he sat down on the couch leisurely. The next day Maddie wondered on the stairs again to look for that boy but couldn't find him. All she found was an envelope and a bar of chocolate. The letter wrote, "To my future little wife". Maddie sat down and opened the letter. She was wondering why the boy couldn't give the letter himself and she was looking forward to seeing this boy again. She thought she finally found a friend she could communicate with. 'Hello my little wife, I'm sorry I'm unable to give this letter to you personally. Unfortunately, my father sent me abroad to study. But don't be sad my little wife, no matter what happens I will find you again and don't even think about finding another man other than me. Enjoy the chocolate, because once your officially my wife I will treat you as sweetly just like the taste of that chocolate. Don't forget about me, my little wife. ~ Love, your future husband.' Maddie put the letter and chocolate away in her small bag and just sat on the stairs for a while. She felt sad since she finally found a friend she liked but unfortunately he had to leave.

That night when her mother went to pick her up, she noticed her daughter's absentmindedness. "Hmm, did something bad happen today my little princess?" Maddie's mother asked worriedly. It was the first time her daughter had such a flustered expression. "Yeah mommy, look my future husband gave me some chocolate," Maddie said innocently as she raised the chocolate bar up to her mother. "Is that so? Did one of the other kids in the daycare give that to you?" "Of course not mommy, I wouldn't take interest in those immature children. My husband is much older like 12 years old and is very smart and handsome." Maddie said proudly. "Haha is that so? When will you introduce your future husband to me then? I'd like to meet this boy who stole my daughter's heart." Maddie immediately looked down sadly. "Oh no, why is my little princess so sad?" Maddie's mother said concerned. "He had to leave me to go study abroad." "It's okay, mommy will keep you company until he comes back. And besides your still to young to get married." And she gave Maddie a big warm hug. "But I want to be like you and daddy. You're always so happy when you're with daddy and I always see you two laughing a lot. You have so much fun with daddy so I want someone I can have fun with also." Maddie said innocently.