

The next day Maddie found herself in her own bed and wondered if the great devil carried her to her bed. She looked around and found a note that read "Get changed we will have our training. Meet me in the garden at 6." Maddie looked at the clock and it was already 5:45 so she rushed out of bed and got changed into her comfortable training clothes and ran out to the garden. She didn't want to be late and disappoint the great devil and feel his wrath.

When she found him standing there she greeted him "Good morning Master. Shall we start our training?" He turned to look at her and the first thing he noticed was her outfit, she was wearing a sports bra with an unzipped jacket with matching leggings and rubber shoes, where he could clearly see all her toned features especially her well-developed bosom and a curvy waist. All he could say was "Follow me" as he pushed his dirty thoughts at the back of his head. He leads her to his gym, where they will start training.

Once they arrived inside Maddie removed her jacket and all he could think about was removing the remaining of her clothes, but he had to have some self-control. They took their positions and Maddie took the first punch which he dodged swiftly, she attacked him continuously, she was very quick and he only had time to dodge her attacks. He was trying to find an opening but he felt very distracted because all he could think about was claiming her, he didn't know why he felt that way it was the first time he ever felt this way for a girl. He is usually cold-hearted towards women and never approached them until he found Maddie. He only wanted to have her beside him at all times. She never ceased to amaze him every time with her talents.

He finally found his opening and quickly pinned Maddie to the ground and stared straight into her light brown eyes, where you can easily get lost into. Maddie felt this stinging pain on her back when she was pinned down and a heavyweight on top of her, she didn't know what she did wrong for him to find an opening like that. She thought every move was very precise and too quick for him but she was wrong and this made her want to work harder to become better.

Maddie didn't even realize that he was starring right into her eyes, she was too distracted thinking of a way to get out of this situation. When she suddenly realized he was gazing at her like he wanted to devour her whole, it was already too late. She was being kissed again and no matter how hard she tried to struggle she couldn't break free from his grasps. This time he kissed her more passionately and after a while, she started to kiss him back which made him startled but happy at the same time knowing that she accepted his kiss this time. No matter what she did she couldn't break free and her mind was starting to go blank so she just accepted her fate like a weak little bunny being attacked by its prey so all she could do was give in to him. They kissed for a while until they were both out of breath.

When they were done kissing he helped her off the floor, but didn't let go of her waist and held her tight against his chest. He held her like that for a few minutes before he whispered in her ear "Don't ever wear that type of outfit in front of me or any man unless you want me to punish you again". Maddie didn't know what was wrong with her outfit, no one ever minded when she training with the other assassins. She wanted to say that out loud but all she could do was shyly nod in agreement. He noticed her ears turning red and couldn't help resist when she gave him a shy nod. He looked at her cute confused expression and swollen lips and couldn't resist. So he kissed her lightly once again on the lips before he left and told her to take a shower then meet him in his study.

Elijah had to leave quickly because he was starting to lose control of his lower part. He didn't know why this girl made him feel this way. No matter what happens he will make Maddie fall in love with him. He went to take a cold shower to cool his boiling blood. Then changed into a suit and went to his study to wait for Maddie to come.

Maddie just stood there frozen on the spot, she had no idea what just happened. What's wrong with my outfit and was kissing a form of punishment? Once in her room, she took a quick shower and changed into casual clothes and went to the devils' study.

She greeted her master and went straight to the bookshelf to continue reading but was stopped when she heard Elijah's voice. "Take a seat, I'll leave some books in your room to read in your free time." Maddie approached his desk and took a seat. "My younger brother will be visiting next week, so I will be teaching you how to make my schedules, give you the list of important business contacts, and teaching you the ins and outs of my business for you to get more familiarize. Get changed and you will go to the office today with me." Maddie was surprised by this news and said. "Master isn't it too early for me to go to the office, I just started yesterday and I'm still adjusting." "It doesn't matter if you're inexperienced or not. Once you have some hands-on experience it will be easier for you to work under me." Maddie understood all this, she was always better once she did things hands-on, so she had no complaints. "I understand Master, I shall go and get changed now."

Maddie arrived at the front door and Elijah couldn't help but notice her long black silky hair flowing down, which made her look incredibly cute in her outfit. "From now on, always wear your hair in a bun when we go to the office and put these on." And handed her a pair of glasses. Elijah wouldn't let any man have the chance to see his future wife's beautiful face. But no matter what she did or wore she still looked tempting to the eyes.