
Guinto International

On the way to Elijah's office, all Maddie could do was look out the window. She was so amazed by all the buildings because the last time she went to the city was before her parents were killed. She would always come to the city to visit her father when he worked after her private lessons and activities. Her father was a scientist, so she would stay in the daycare in his office building while she waited. And when everyone was finished with work, she would watch her father in the laboratory doing experiments until her mother would come to pick her up whenever her father would do overtime.

She never really knew what her mother did, she was always a mysterious woman and whenever she would ask her mother what she did for a living, she would just say she fights bad guys. So Madi would think of her mother as a superhero. Her parents always treated her as their little princess and she always felt their love for her.

Sometimes her father would teach her some of his top-secret experiments, he didn't mind because he knew that one day she will be able to recreate his experiment because of her brilliant mind. He knew very well how smart his daughter was that's why every time he discovered something he would tell Maddie, then destroy it afterward so that other people will not use his discoveries for malicious purposes.

Once they arrived at Guinto Internationals, Maddie was surprised because the building looked very familiar, so she asked Elijah. "Master, has this place always been Guinto internationals?" Elijah was surprised by her sudden question and replied with a "hmm". So this was where her father worked, does this mean that Elijah's family had something to do with her parents' murder? She knew very well that it was them who killed her parents but she always thought that it was due to some debt. Could there be some other reason her parents were killed? Elijah looked at her surprised expression and wondered what she was thinking about so he asked her. "Have you been here before?" "Yes Master, this was where my biological father used to work." Elijah was surprised she still recognized this place after 11 years.

They entered the car park and took the private elevator to the top floor where Elijah's office was located. Once inside they were greeted by the floor receptionist, who was a middle-aged woman, who looks very responsible and mature. She had a family of her own based on the family portrait on her desk. "Good morning Mr. Elijah. Do you have an important meeting today? Would you like me to send in some tea?" Elijah just walked past and ignored her and went straight to his office. Maddie, on the other hand, greeted her "Good morning I'm Maddie, Mr. Elijah's new personal assistant." Maddie said with a polite smile and followed quickly behind to Elijah's office. The receptionist was rendered speechless because she knew that her boss never had any women go near him, especially one who looked very young and attractive like Maddie.

Maddie was in awe by how big Elijah's office was and couldn't help but wonder her eyes around the room. She closed the door behind her and took a seat in front of Elijah's desk. "I will have a desk put in at the corner where you will work. In the meantime, you can use my desk or stay on the couch." Maddie was surprised, she thought she would get her own office to work in. She didn't know that he meant it when he said that she will always stay by his side. "Master wouldn't it be more practical for me to have my own office to work in. I don't want to disturb you if you will have any meeting here." "Like I said I want you to learn all the ins and outs of this company, so there will be no secrets among my clients with you. By the end of next month, I expect you to already take half of my workload." This means she has less than 2 months to learn everything.