

A few months before she turned 18 there was an unexpected visitor on the training grounds inspecting the new recruits.

Who would have guessed that the king of the underworld himself would come to select his own elite team?

Unfortunately for Maddie, she was in the middle of a practice where she was fighting off 10 men at once.

The king of the underworld was pleased to see her skills and immediately asked his subordinates who she was.

All of them looked at each other confused because none of them recognized who that girl was.

When he realized all their confused gazes he immediately left the room and walked down to the training ground to ask the girl himself.

Maddie was too busy concentrating on her fighting, she didn't notice a tall intimidating man with a powerful aura walking towards her.

Once he arrived in front of the girl he immediately joined in her fight.

All of a sudden they were fighting one on one. At first, Maddie was confused about who this man was but suddenly felt excited because she finally goes to fight against someone with the same level of strength.

They were fighting neck to neck, nobody could determine the winner.

But everyone around started to feel worried for her because she was going against the king himself, especially Maddie's master, he started to get nervous and disappointed in himself that he wasn't able to hide Maddie more carefully.

He never expected Elijah to come here out of all days.

Maddie was so immersed in the fight that she didn't notice the smirk on the man's face.

He suddenly grabbed her waist and kissed her hard on the lips.

Maddie was shocked and widened her eyes by that sudden kiss because that was her first kiss.

She quickly pushed him away and gave him a hard slap on the face.

Maddie suddenly panicked because she never experienced something like this, she didn't understand this feeling that was making her heart race radically.

The man started to walk towards her and grabbed her waist once again and held his other hand around her head so she wouldn't escape again.

He just couldn't resist once he saw her flushed red face and pink kissable lips.

He wanted to have another taste of her sweet lips that tasted like honey.

This time he kissed harder from being out of control and bit her bottom lip until there was a metallic taste in his mouth, he forced his tongue through her lips and freely roamed her whole mouth.

When Maddie finally realized that she was being kissed again she felt this pain on her lips and blood started to enter her mouth, then she felt his tongue invading her mouth.

She was already starting to lose oxygen so she bit his tongue.

He was surprised by her sudden bite which brought him back to his senses and Maddie was able to push him away once again.

She felt furious at that man taking advantage of her and demanded to know who he was.

Suddenly she saw her master approach that man and bowed in front of him apologizing to him on her behalf.

She started to get confused by who this man was that her master had to bow in front of, then she realized that the only person her master had to respect was the king of the underworld, Elijah Guinto, and couldn't believe that the man in front of her was him.

She just stood in the same spot in shock, while her master tried to plea for her.

He said, "Please excuse my daughter for being rude to you, it won't happen again".

When Maddie saw the confused expression on Elijah's face she immediately spoke up and said that she was his adopted daughter.

Once he heard her words he looked at his teacher and commanded: "Bring her to my home tomorrow morning she will start to work for me".

Maddie was surprised by his offer and told him "What if I refuse?".

Then he said, "I will make your father live a living hell."

Then he left, leaving everyone speechless.

Maddie didn't know what to do for the first time in a long time she felt helpless.

All she wanted to do was run away with her master, but she knew if she did that he would always find them, and possibly her master might get killed if they tried to escape from him.

All her master can do is bring her home to prepare her stuff and probably have one last dinner together.

Elijah was not confused about the reason Maddie thought but was confused about the feelings he felt when he saw her today.

Usually, when he watched her in the past he was impressed by her talent.

But this time was different, she wasn't the same little girl he used to watch before she was already a grown beautiful woman and this made him lose control.

He can usually restrain himself since he was never attracted by other women, no matter how much they tried to seduce and get close to him.

It's been a couple of years since he last went to the trainings grounds since he has been busy obtaining the family business from his father.

He has been too busy with work and just made an excuse to find an elite team just so he could visit the training ground again.

He never expected Maddie to have improved exceptionally after all these years.

He hoped that once Maddie was by his side, he knew that she will be able to grow faster both on intelligence and her fighting skills.

Elijah never forgot the promise they made when they were younger and he hoped Maddie didn't forget about it or him at the very least.