
Chapter twenty eight

Danvers and Luthor... Luthor and Danvers... or maybe Luthor and a super?Yeah that's even better. Luthors and supers always had uhm... complexed relationship, the first super as in clark kent and lex luthor were bestfriends, they would hang out and rely on each other, but then everything changed when the named Luthor found out the enemy he loathed was actually his best friend, he left him and betrayed him.. after that everyone thought that Luthor and supers didn't match.

Until... Something changed. In the town, another Luthor showed up. At first everyone thought she was trouble, everyone thought she was as bad as her brother, yeah everyone except Kara Danvers, which we could add was a super.

Strange isn't it? That everyone doubts you but then one particular person does not, and then that person turns out to be the one who should hate and distrust you the most. But in fact quite opposite happened,  A Luthor and A super started being friends, then their feelings grew and grew, they became protective, they had eachothers backs and freaked the freak out when one of them was hurt. They became best friends, inseparable, trusting genius super duo friends. it's true that they had their ups and downs, but eventually they could always find their way back... stronger together weaker apart as they say.

But... what if someone looked closer, deeper into their friendship? Could they see something that even those two couldn't see? Yeah that's right they could. Because everyone close to them could see it, that tension, that long sweet stares, looks, smiles, eyes shinning, sparkling! literally everyone except them. The feeling was there, it was always there, but the named two chose to ignore it. They were just too clueless, but unconsciously the two of them did things what normal friends without feelings couldn't possibly do. When Luthor felt something strong for Kara, or her stomach tingled or when she was lost in supers eyes she blamed it for friendship, because she never had a friend and thought that was why she felt like that, on the other way, Danvers was just as clueless as the other was. But then again, everything changed then on that day at the secret passage door A super kissed a Luthor, that's when everything went wrong, their feelings became visible, as if someone pulled clueless off/on lever. The feelings rushed into them and ate them alive.

Kara never thought of Lena like that... or maybe she did? She didn't know. There were always some kind of feelings but she chose to not see it, but everyone around her knew, they knew by her looks towards Lena, by her protectiveness over her, by her sweet tone, by her mood change when Luthor was in a room. Now after that kiss Kara started to see those things too, she dreamt about Lena, she thought about her, she looked at her more, she called Diego at 3am to ask if that was normal. Same to the Luthor, she couldn't forget the kiss they shared, she couldn't forget those sweet ocean eyes, the dance they shared on gala. But even After that they still chose to ignore the feelings, but this time not because they were clueless, but because they were afraid... afraid of rejection. Its a complicated world. People have a hard time finding each other, and when they do they are afraid to take a risk. People aren't afraid to say "I love you" they are afraid of hearing the response...

Funny isn't it? When you love a person unconditionally but you are afraid to tell them, but little do you know that other person feels just the same and is afraid to let you know too? So both idiots sit and hide their feelings in fear of destroying the friendship.

But that's what destroys the most... unspoken feelings.

Their friends, their family, their co-workers, even their enemies! Everyone knew about their feelings except themselves.

But, They both knew now, they weren't oblivious anymore, They were aware of their feelings and both accepted it. Thats how Kara knew when she saw Henry with a glowing green silver gun, that she had to protect Lena at all costs.

They heard the gunshot, Luthor closed her eyes, waiting for the bullet. But it never came, she slowly opened her eyes, only to see Kara shielding her with her whole body, Henry stood still, frozen, he didn't move an inch. Suddenly Danvers fell on the ground, Lena barely caught her. Luthor saw red substance all over Supers chest. CEOs eyes became wide and she placed Kara's head in her lap, She tried to hold the wound, but blood still escaped from it. Lena's eyes filled with tears and she nearly punched super with her fists. Instead she punched the pavement of the roof.

"YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDNT DO SOMETHING THAT STUPID AGAIN!" She screamed at Kara."Why, why do you keep doing this?" She started sobbing "why do you keep saving me with your stupid ways?"

Kara chuckled, blood escaping her mouth,She took Lena's hand in one, and caressed her cheek with other, wiping tears from her beautiful face. "I guess, people do stupid things when they are in love" she finally said.