
Chapter sixteen

6th grade

"Diego? Hello? You still here?" I heard familiar sweet voice calling my name. I opened my eyes and bring light flashed through me, i saw little Danvers on the chair opposite, our books and notebooks on the table. Kara looked at me questioningly. Sh** i fell asleep again "I asked that we need history book" I yawned and looked at her with tired eyes "It's the 5th time!" She exclaimed "you should sleep you know?" I shook my head

"Kara how do you know how Diego felt in that moment" Lena asked

"I may have read his diary"

"I need to study, then clean the whole house, do the dishes and make the food oh and try to not be hit" Kara looked at me pitifully

"I hate your parents" I sighed

"Oh honey me too" and I bumped my head on the table. "I'm gonna grab the history book" I got up and went to the bookshelves, There was a girl standing on a ladder beside me, Her face not showing, I just could see curly strawberry blonde hair. Then i turned to the opposite shelf and started to search a history book, until I heard a little scream beside me, I quickly turned around and saw the girl standing on the shaking ladder, ready to fall, She fell of the ladder and thanks to god With my quick reflexes I caught her, but my little size couldn't stand it, so both me and girl fell on the floor with thump, the girl still in my arms, and a lot of books falling on our heads. After some time of silence, I opened my eyes, and saw the most gorgeous pair of green eyes I've ever seen. the girl had shy look as if she said sorry quietly, with her face

"Hi" I finally said

"Hi" she answered, her voice was beautiful just like her. We both looked at each other for seconds and then burst out laughing. Meanwhile I heard the footsteps reaching us and soon I saw Kara laughing out loud and pointing finger at me

"You are so weak. You couldn't even stand a girl so small by the size" she came closer and patted me on the shoulder "you need to work out" then helped me and the girl to stand up

"Not everyone has the same powers you have" she looked at me eyes wide, with glaring look, pointing her head at the girl.I took the gesture

"I'm sorry for my friend here. Here let me help." Girl stood up, looking at us, her face back to the shy look "what's your name?" I could see on her face that she couldn't decide, it was like she thought of telling us her name and then questioned it. But then she smiled a little

"Sarah. Sarah Allen" She took her hand out "pleasure to meet you"  Kara and I took her hand

"I'm Kara, and this weak boy is my friend Diego" Kara smiled widely, shaking Sarah's hand. "Hey, do you wanna come study with us?" I looked at Kara with my eyes wide, pinching her, even knowing she couldn't feel it, She just slapped my hand off and smiled at the girl "please, you are welcome to" Sarah seemed to pause again, shaking her head

"I don't actually know if this is a good idea" Kara puffed

"Pfft! Cmon. I cant say it will be fun, but we can study together" I still stood there, frozen, words failing me. Meanwhile Sarah took Kara's hand and looked at me

"Okay, sure" ____________________________________________9th grade

"Oh my Rao! Diego get your ass up! Sarah is waiting" Kara screamed at me through the door. I quickly got up from the bed and took my glasses, found just one plain shirt and jeans and went downstairs as fast as I could, in the way, I nearly knocked Alex out

"Slow down Doss"


Me and Kara had to study for a biology exam so i stayed at her house, these things happened a lot lately. And I loved it. I loved Kara's family. They were all loving and sweet, And Elizas food were the most delicious things in the fricking universe. As i quickly went downstairs grabbing my bag, I saw Kara already standing at the doorway

"Faster! We will be late for her speech!!!"

"Comiiiiiing!" I opened the door "go go go!"____________________________________________Sarah Was running for the school president, I wasn't surprised at all because she was very smart and she studied a lot. Her dream since I know her was to go to Oxford to study bio Engineering. Also because her parents were strict. By strict I mean she was supposed to be home by 10, she would not have a boyfriend until she would finish college, no dates, no phone in the house and no fun. Plus I think her parents hated me. They told her that everything they did was to make her study and it was for her own good. Bullshirt.

As we got here, the schools main auditorium, we saw Sarah standing next to other student who vowed too. Sarah seemed calm outside, but me and Kara knew how much she cared and how anxious she was in the inside. We found a seat and sat, listening to principal's voice

"And the results are in" In the corner of my eye I saw Sarah's parents sitting, waiting for the answers"The new president of the school is..." Kara's face was focused on Sarah, that was the sing that she used her super hearing, and by her look Our friend's heart was beating like crazy. "Oliver oakwood" crap. I couldn't look her into eyes, I couldn't bare to look. Instead I saw her parents getting up and leaving. What cruel people, they didn't even try to comfort their own daughter. I could feel that auditorium slowly emptied and soon there were only me Kara Sarah left. I finally looked at her eyes, and by my surprise I saw some kind of relief. Kara got up and hugged her

"Hey it's okay. You weren't elected and pfft them. Their loss, you would be the best school president ever" Sarah laughed

"I'm actually happy." She smiled at our dumbfounded faces "I didn't really want that. My parents were forcing me kinda" There was a silence until Kara spoke up

"Let's go to Eliza's to eat her infamous cakes"

"Why am I not surprised that you wanted to eat?" Lena laughed

"Shh! I'm always hungry" Luthor laughed her ash off. Kara rolled her eyes "may I go on?"