
Chapter six

Lena's POV:

It's been 2 hours since me and Kara are walking. And we still haven't found the road. Kara wasn't in the talking condition,All this time, she leaned her head on my shoulders. She was trying to keep her eyes open. Me? Well i was little tired, but i needed to help Kara, i needed to make things right. I couldn't call Alex, because she was on vacation with Maggie. I couldn't call Nia, James, J'onn, Because they couldn't help. I didn't have a number of Mr. Kent. I wanted to call the man who knew we were investigating, who could send car at least, So I called Diego, i had his number when he gave me his credit card, if i ever needed "science buddy". I know, stupid.

Diego's POV:

The cars were ready, Rico was waiting for me down the hall. When Lena called me and told me that Kara was hurt, that she needed to go to hospital, but didn't know where they were, well at first i was shocked, why did Kara got hurt? But then i called Rico and demanded cars. Then i opened my own application, it detects anyone even when signal is lost. I just needed Kara's personal information. Well since i was her old best friend since high school i knew everything. They were somewhere near metropolis. I got in the car, called an ambulance. And i just prayed to god that Kara will be okay. She must be.____________________________________________

"Lena? Here! Rico stop here i see them" i saw Lena and Kara, Who was bleeding like she was shot with 10 bullets. Luthor was holding her tightly, Kara's head was on her shoulders, Lena brushed her fingers in Kara's hair. Ambulance came, they took Kara in metropolis city hospital. After 2 hours of surgery, they placed Kara in room N304. When the doctor came out, Lena jumped off her seat

"Is she okay?" Doctor cleared his throat

"She will be. We took all the bullets out, she's unconscious, but will be okay. She seemed strong" Lena visibly relaxed and let out heavy breath.

"Thank you" i wonder, if they just work together and are mad at each other, then why on the earth is Lena so worried about Kara? .........Oooh i ship it. ____________________________________________

Lena's POV

"She woke up, you can go see her" i heard doctor say. I sighed in relief. And ran into Kara's room. Kara was laying there, smiling her best at me, she was little pale, on the desk next to her was medical equipment, I sat next to her on a chair.She tried to sit, i could hear her bones crack a little while sitting. She flashed me a charming smile

"You came to see me" she sounded like her life depended on it

"She never left" Diego came in with flowers and kissed Kara's cheek "she stayed all night waiting for you to wake up. thank god you're okay" he hugged her.Kara looked like she was going to pass out, her face shocked, her big eyes wide. I frowned, did i do something wrong? Why that face. But then i felt Kara's arms around me. I felt warm. And hesitatingly i hugged her back. Then i remembered why she was here. Oh and yes I wasn't pleased

"Why did you saved me you stupid idiot?" She looked surprised by questionDiego seemed to notice the tension and said

"I'm gonna leave you two alone" and he left.

"I mean why did you risked your life for me? People need supergirl... and me? Well I'm nothing. Everyone hates me. I can't do-" suddenly Kara cut me off. she placed her one hand on my shoulder, the other was making a "stop" movement.

"Shut up, Just shut up. Don't do that." I was confused "don't say bad things about yourself, no one hates you. And if they do then they don't know the real you. They don't know how amazing and kindhearted you are. You said people need supergirl. Well people need Lena Luthor more, they just don't know it yet. I save people in the moment of the danger. But i know, you can someday wake up and find the solution of that danger. Hell you can even find the cure of cancer, so yeah. If you're mad because i preferred your life instead of mine, you don't see yourself like i see you." Wow, I didn't deserve any of that. I didn't deserve that words. This woman, still thought i was good, that i was more important than her, the girl of steel herself. Even after i ignored her. Said bad things, hurtful things. She still believed in me. Kara touched my hand, I could feel my heart skipping a beat. "You deserve saving Lena. You are the best thing that ever happened in National City" she pulled out. Cleared her throat. "I-uh-i-..." she searched for right words "do you? I mean have-? Are you still mad at me? Why did you stay. I mean not that I don't want you to i ju-" now it was my turn to cut her off.

"No no Kara. I was hurt okay. But that doesn't mean i had to react that way. I am sorry for how i reacted. You are not like anyone else" Kara smiled at me, i smiled back. "But you should gain trust again" i warned her

"Yes yes of course Lena!" She smiled. "I am so happy now" her smile was from cheek to eyes

"You're happy that you got 5 bullets in your chest?" I joked, cracking a laugh. She laughed too and looked at my face deeply."Why are you looking at me like that"

"I made you laugh" oh my dork_____________________________________________Kara's POV: Who would have believed it 4 months ago, that Lena would have forgave me and plus would have stayed with me when i was unconscious. She sleeps peacefully on chair. she haven't slept for 2 nights now. removing IV from me, i stand up. well I don't need that anyway, I have the sun. Quietly i get close to where Lena sleeps. Yeah it hurts a little to move, but Lena needs comfortable place. I Carefully Pick up her bridal style, and as i was putting her on bed, she opened her eyes. First she looked at me with confused face, then she realized what i was doing. I smiled innocently."What are you doing?" She gave me her scolding look, with one eyebrow raise"You shouldn't move! Wait did you remove your IV?" I placed Lena down "Kara you can't just get up and walk after the surgery wherever you want" "But you seemed uncomfortable on the chair so I thought to pick you up and lay on the bed?" She would probably argue with me whole day if Diego didn't show up

"Hey girls? Sorry to interrupt, wait why are you standing!? Lay down Danvers!" Ah now him too. I got back to the bed "that's better. Now... after all this mess, i am hosting a party for Aqua Technologies. And i want you two to come with me in Midvale!" MIDVALE? I miss Midvale, i need to go there, see Eliza. Then i can finally introduce Lena to Her.

"Wait a minute... you are the CEO? Of Aqua Technologies?" Lena seemed surprised. Oh i forgot to tell her!

"The one and only!" Diego laughed"But unfortunately i am not a scientist, i own the business, do paperwork and stuff like that, I don't have time for anything else anyway! Who's ready to party?!