
Chapter four

Lena's POV

"Aw Diego, you didn't, I wasn't....thank you. I really needed that." Kara's eyes were teary. Did i do that? Did i make her feel that way. Did i made her cry? NO LENA, SHE BETRAYED YOU, SHE LIED TO YOU, whole 3 years. She's like everyone else. She sees  only Luthor in you. she used you! She just befriended you because she knew you could be dangerous, never have a Luthor on your bad side. she was scared! My internal voice screamed at me.

"So, ahem, can you give us her address in metropolis? And where she worked? If she had a husband or siblings?" Kara turned in her reporter mode. Diego scratched his head. Heh runs in family i guess.

"Of course, i will email you later the address, okay? About work... well she seemed to work at the news? I think? She said something about her friend being the queen of all media... So yeah probably news, she didn't have a husband as i know, i don't know about her family... I'm sorry, you know i haven't asked that questions, didn't want to make her uncomfortable" Kara nodded in understatement. "I could hire you a car if you want  to go to metropolis"

"That's really sweet of yo-" Kara smiled sweetly, but i cut her off

"No thank you Mr. Doss. We will take my private jet" Diego got wide eyed.

"Private jet? Sorry can you remind me your name?" He asked

"Lena Luthor" Diego stood up.

"A Luthor? In my club?! Oh my god!! I am so big fan of your works and inventions! Actually i was hoping to become scientist! But not every dream comes true..." he added with sad eyes, I felt a little guilt, for just a second. He was a fan of me. That's really sweet. But that doesn't mean i still don't have suspicions on him."Anyway, if its everything you wanted to ask, then Kara I'm really sorry. I just have important meeting-"

"Of course, of course I understand!" Kara smiled and got up. Diego hugged her.

"Hey, can we have lunch sometime? I really missed you!"

"Yes, of course, when i will be free i would love to have lunch with you!" I couldn't stop but think about the lunches me and Kara had.

"Perfect! See you soon Danvers!" And he kissed her on the cheek. When we got outside, Kara turned to me

"did you like Diego?" No, not even a bit, i find him suspicious

"Yeah he seems nice..." i lied, we got to my car, i drove her to her house, the ride was long, neither of us said anything, we were just sitting there awkwardly, Kara fidgeting with her glasses. When she got out of the car, i called her"Oh and Kara. Be ready tomorrow, we have to check metropolis"___________________________________________

Lena's POV

I honked at Kara. Really, how long can this woman take on getting potstickers from shop? Kara got out with 5 bags in her hand, well, at least now i know why she eats so much.

"Finally!" I exclaimed, when Kara got in the car

"Hey, you can't blame me, this dude tried to rob me!" Kara had her hands on her chest, like she was injured with daggers"He placed 45 potstickers instead of 50!"Why are you laughing?! It's not funny! He tried to rob me with 5 potstickers!" I just couldn't stop laughing, Don't mess with Kara and food. Poor guy.____________________________________________"Okay, apartment number 505 here it is! We got it" Kara smiled. Yeah, long story short, our flight was little awkward. Kara managed to throw out Kale by "accident", got stuck in toilet and saved a plane, while i was sitting, filling crossword. The building where Alyssa Blake lived, was one of the tallest in the whole metropolis. She should have a good job with good payment because i really doubt, that apartments here are cheap, plus hers is on top floor. The building was facing park, it was in the center of the city. Apartment's door was locked. I couldn't even blink when Kara crashed the door."Yep, here we go" She said with self-satisfied smile. Seriously, is she even thinking? I mentally noted to buy Alyssa new door. Apartment was huge, with at least 5 guest rooms. Big terrace that connected modern kitchen and living room. She has fireplace, which i don't have any idea why she needs it. Big TV. Really, where she worked this past years to have that much of money?

"You check the kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom. I'll check guest rooms and study cabinet" Kara nodded. Yes, Kara is sometimes getting on my nerves, but she's useful... no i really need to finish this case very soon, sooner i will stay away from Kara is better.I checked all the rooms now! Nothing! No luck. I suddenly heard Kara

"Lena! I found something!" She was in Alyssa's bedroom, in front of bookshelf. In her hand, there was a note what said "85467" Looks like some kind of code.

"I have a thought of what it could be, cmon follow me" I remembered the laptop in study room. Kara followed me. I opened laptop and bingo! The code was right.

"Check e-mails! Texts and folders. Wait, i have usb, download all the files here" kara handed me the Usb flashback. After downloading all her files. We opened E-mail. Bills, ads, more ads, trip-advisor questions about Fiji. Even more ads."Wait! Go up!" Kara suddenly said"Little more, look! Someone payed her 100,000 US dollars last month!" Really, it was from ~anonymous businessman~, so creative. This user sent her money every month. For 3 years. No wonder Alyssa had so much money. Maybe she was blackmailing someone? Kara downloaded all Emails. "Let's go, search her workplace" _____________________________________________"What do you mean she quit?" Kara said with her arms crossed. We were at the news. Daily planet. Kara's cousin worked there, so she asked him about Alyssa. Mr. Kent wasn't very happy to see me with Kara, don't worry Mr. Kent, I'm not happy myself. They told us that Ms. Blake quit job year ago. Everyone liked her, but no one knew about her personal life. So me and Kara got out of there. We were already on road outside of metropolis when, Jess called me, and said my private jet needed repair after some terrorists wanted to bomb the airport. They succeed to bomb the part where my jet was, it wasn't fully destroyed, but it needed repair.

"Uh Lena?" Kara said with worried tone. I hummed. "Are we close to any of the hotels?" Now i started to get worried too, and turned to face her. We were outside metropolis. Not even trees were here. It was just like desert.

"No why?"

"Because, it's been an hour since this black SUV is following us"