

Contínuo · 8K Modos de exibição
  • 24 Chs
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Leia o romance CAN I BE YOUR BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY escrito pelo autor Akintondeabdrahmon publicado no WebNovel. Amidst the anticipation of receiving a kidney transplant, a talented young guitarist forms an unlikely bond with a wealthy young billionaire who intentionally chooses to embrace a modest lifestyle and...


Amidst the anticipation of receiving a kidney transplant, a talented young guitarist forms an unlikely bond with a wealthy young billionaire who intentionally chooses to embrace a modest lifestyle and regularly visits his comatose mother. This encounter ultimately ignites the guitarist's determination to pursue her musical aspirations.

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Omniversal Mercenary: Marvel, HOTD, Demon Slayer, MHA

Arthur, a crippled guy, after many struggles, sacrifices, and finally his death becomes an Omniversal Mercenary. A job that gave expected or even unexpected rewards upon completion of the objectives. Now he gives his all to complete the missions and take back everything he lost... while also conquering a few anime girls...? ------------ [First World]: [ Marvel ] (a short mission, here) [Second World]: [ HOTD - High School Of The Dead ] (long mission) [Third World]: [Demon Slayer] (Current world) [Fourth World]: [My Hero Acadamia] [Fifth World]: [ MCU x X-men ] Tags: [Action] [Romance] [Genius MC] [Gray MC] [Strong MC] [Multiverse] [R-18] [World Hopping] [Slice of Life] [Omniverse] --------------- Discord Link: https://discord.gg/T3GN7nqKgS If you want to read ahead, or just want to support me, here is the pat reon link: https://www.pat reon.com/Marveller (Remove the space!) --------------- Some important things : 1. English isn't my first language. So, try to overlook or help me fix a few mistakes that might occur by mentioning them in the chapter's comment section. I will fix it ASAP. 2. Yes, again. There will be a Harem in this novel, but only One or Two girls from a particular world. No Pokemon Harem - proper romance will be there. 3. MC will not be a Slave to the System or Missions. 4. There will be occasional adult scenes in this novel. 5. No Rape, No NTR, No Yuri, No Yaoi... 6. Chapter Length = 1300~1600 Words. Sometimes even longer chapters will be released. ------- Also, the art is not mine. I got it from google. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is just a fan-fiction. Please know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the original characters.

Marveller · Anime e quadrinhos
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Dahulu kala ada seorang Petualang yang paling ditakuti didunia, Tapi entah mengapa setelah petualang itu menyatukan dunia dia menghilang dan tidak pernah kembali. Pada tahun 2050 ada seorang pecandu game yang bernama Dave, Dia sering bermain game online Di warnet sampai malam hari. Ketika dia pulang dia bertemu seorang kakek-kakek yang tidur dijalan.  Lalu Dave menghampiri kakek itu dan bertanya: "Kakek apa Kakek sakit?" -10 menit kemudian- Tidak ada jawaban dari kakek tersebut. Namun, ditangan Kakek Ada sebuah kalung yang berbentuk Naga berwarna Hitam Pekat. Dave pun mencoba menyentuhnya Dan setelah menyentuhnya Kesadaran Dave perlahan menghilang. Kakek itu Membuka matanya lalu Kakek itu tersenyum puas Dan Berkata: "Semoga Beruntung Anak Muda" ____________________________________________________________________________________________ •Cover Asli: https://www.deviantart.com/jeijandee/art/Black-swordsman-769915827 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Info tambahan: Kelas petualang: • Level 01-25= C • Level 26-41= B • Level 42-68= A • Level 69-79= S • Level 80-99= SS • Level 100-199= SSS Petualang tingkat tinggi: SSR-SSSR • Level 200-699 = SSR • Level 700-1000 = SSSR Monster: • Level 01-30 = F • Level 31-50 = E • Level 51-80 = D • Level 81-100 = C • Level 101-299 = B • Level 300-499 = A Monster tingkat tinggi : R, UR • Level 500-699 = R • Level 700-1000 = UR Iblis : C-B-A-S-SS-SSS • Level 01-25 = C • Level 26-41 = B • Level 42-68 = A • Level 69-79 = S • Level 80-99 = SS • Level 100-199 = SSS Iblis tingkat tinggi: SSR,SSSR. • Level 200-699 = SSR • Level 700-1000 = SSSR *Equipment: •C •B •A •S •SS •SSS Pusaka tingkat tinggi : SSR>SSSR. *Skill: Dari yang terendah hingga tertinggi! •Silver , •Gold, •Platinum, • Epic, •Kuno, •Unique. Item: •Putih, •Biru, •Gold, •Ungu, •Merah. Tiket Gacha: •Bronze •Silver •Gold •Platinum •Diamond •Crown info: Update. Akan update kembali Jika tidak ada halangan. *Tap (+) Untuk Mengikuti* 'Selamat membaca'

David_Panekenan · Fantasia
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PUSATNYA, WA 0819-746-3333, Grosir Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL Harga Pa

MELAYANI PENGIRIMAN KE SELURUH INDONESIA, ORDER KLIK WA https://wa.me/628197463333, Grosir Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL, Reseller Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL, Alamat Distributor Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL, Toko Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL Terdekat, Toko Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL, Distributor Penjual Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL, Pabrik Distributor Supplier Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL, Distributor Pabrik Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL, Supplier Distributor Reseller Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL, Jual Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL Harga Pabrik Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL merupakan bio-processor untuk pengolahan limbah organik dari sektor perumahan, hotel, apartemen, rumah sakit, pabrik makanan olahan, restauran dan gedung perkantoran. Bagi perumahan Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL digunakan untuk menguras WC tanpa sedot. Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL mengandung mikroba probiotik yang aman bagi manusia dan lingkungan. Teknologi ini sudah lama diterapkan oleh negara-negara maju seperti Eropa, Amerika, Jepang, Australia dan lainnya. Bakteri Septic Tank Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL sangat baik untuk : 1. Mengatasi WC mampet 2. Menguras septic tank penuh tanpa perlu disedot 3. Menghilangkan bau 4. Menjaga kualitas air sumur dekat WC 5. Membunuh kuman (disentri, typus, cholera) DISTRIBUTOR-nya yang juga AGEN Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL Obat Bakteri Pengurai IPAL di Kota Depok Gg. Musholah Al-Qasyim Jl. Dongkal No. 84 Kel. Sukatani, Kec. Tapos Kota Depok (Warung kedua selah kiri Belakang TPA Darul Aulad) GOOGLE MAPS KLIK : https://g.page/r/CQ37_DOO-hF6EAE Untuk pemesanan hubungi : MELAYANI ORDER Kirim ke Seluruh Kota Indonesia. Hubungi Bapak Nino WA/CALL 0819-746-3333 (XL) atau WA/CALL 0812-9627-2689 (Telkomsel) #KantorPemasaranDistributorObatUntukBioSepticTank, #KantorAgenObatUntukBioSepticTank, #KantorCabangAgenObatUntukBioSepticTank, #KantorSubAgenObatUntukBioSepticTank, #KantorAgenObatUntukBioSepticTank

DaoistUn42MT · Urbano
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The Fantasy War

An age, where magic existed, was also an age of war. It was an outrageous war, since the reason behind it was to see which race claimed all land. King Myorica of The Demons, started the war. People, and some other people, are chosen by the gods to stop this war. Question is.. will they be able to? (Note, there are several generals for each race.). {Info} Races Humans Elves Fairies Angels Demons [Staff Only] Gods Extinct Races Reapers Dragons Celestial Kingdoms Ilorzelf [Humanity] Sokum [Elves] Orikam [Fairies] Sanctus [Angels] Sceleratis [Demons] Abilities/Powers Regular Magic: Anyone can learn this, they just have to learn from a sorcerer, or books. This series include support, curses, and other type of stuff. Natural Affinity: Elemental Magic like, Water, or Thunder. (99.99% of popularity) Mythical Natural Affinity: Abnormal magic, basically any type of powers. (0.01% of popularity) Regular Magic Rankings Beginner Novice Intermediate Advanced Expert Master Sacred Forbidden Magical Affinities Fire Water Thunder Nature Earth Air [Sacred Affinities (normal affinities but 100000000000000000000000000000000x more rare)] Light Dark Fate (multiply that number by 2 and that’s how rare this is) Awakenings Golden Awakening: (You’re powers has enhanced to such a degree that the natural color has turned golden (exclusive to this awakening only)) Supreme Awakening: (Your power is upgraded to where a thing of an extinct race, is comparable to you) Golden Supreme Awakening: (combination of both supreme and golden) Godly Awakening: (Your powers have been enhanced to where you could be comparable to a god for a couple of seconds, this is used as a last resort)

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo
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a great book with good contexts and very great plot


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General Audiencesmature rating