
Can't fall for you

Sana, an ambitious girl, ready to face the world. She gets into the scandal with a famous Actor Andrew, who is also her friend and teenage crush. She gets a very handsome but arrogant billionaire boss, and working with him seems impossible. Does things get different in her life after the entry of her self-claimed boyfriend, is this the leading to the romantic path of her life? Read to explore Have an amazing day! -AlienMonster

AlienMonster · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

A new beginning

I got on a metro and I was taking a seat that a guy from behind mocked "does your butts still hurt?" I just ducked my head. These two weeks had been very hard for me, I deactivated most of my social medias, I kept phone off for long time and I even covered my face while I was outside, but the biggest relief for me was that my grandma didn't know about this. Andrew became the hot topic in the country and there were different kinda rumours floating about him, me and farzeen. I don't know if Andrew was very busy or if he was mad at me or something but he didn't try to contact me neither Farzeen did, it was not like I wanted him to, but after knowing him for all these years I expected him to call, but I m relieved that he didn't.

I had an interview today at Insoft which was one of the biggest and fastest growing companies around the world, I was worried more for get recognised from the video rather than the interview. I was called there were a group of people sitting on the other side of table, they started by asking my name but after that they went on shooting questions, I answered my best, I was getting a gut feeling that I will get selected just then a women asked "you look very similar to girl from Andrew's party video" then they all turned at me. I couldn't lie so I accepted that it was me, this was not a good move, it lead me to a hundred of question which I couldn't answer and then this elderly women clears her throat and said "see Sana, I really appreciate your knowledge but we can't approve an irresponsible person like you, and also it has become a big scandal now, Its not good for the company's image, hope you get my point" this literally broke me up.

I was very mad at myself and when I get I usually scream like hell but I couldn't do that I was trying to control my anger while coming out of the company but suddenly the gardener sprinkled water over me this was really not good I just got rejected and on top of it I got all wet, I couldn't even yell at the gardener so I kept walking. I could see Rolls Royce infront of me with is apparently my dream car, I started kicking that car saying "they don't even know how to interview properly, its just the biggest company for name sake…" I could hear someone clearing throat I turned towards the voice, it was a tall man in suit I couldn't see him properly because sun was shining on him, I didn't say anything I gave a one last kick to the car and then started walking.

I was walking just then someone dragged me holding my hands and apparently I bumped into him "you were not looking at the road, were you?" I was taken aback, it was a tall guy wearing hoodie and rag jeans with headphones "I was ju... just a bit.." I was confused with what I was saying, then he said "frustrated?" then he looked into my eyes "you just got rejected, didn't you" I was speechless at this moment "how could you.." he didn't let me finish any of my sentences, he was so fast "don't ask me how could I, I, Noah really feel overrated, why don't we garb a tea nearby" I was a bit hesitant because of the scandal but he dragged me again saying don't think so much now. we went to a tea stall and started talking, Noah was so talkative that It was hard to track time, "so how did you know I was being rejected?" he started smiling "because, my brother works here, I know pretty much about this company, so if you ever need help then I am just one call away but wait oh no! I don't even have your phone number" he had a very good communication skill "I have already been rejected so I don't think I have something to talk about it except bitching about it, but we can definitely talk anything else than this" we exchanged our numbers. He smiled and gestured the phone "anything else than this." he walked me till metro saying he has a lot of free time.

I spent next three days applying for job at different companies, little did I know that I didn't have to. Insoft called me saying that I have been selected and I have 2 months internship.

I got ready for the 1st day of my internship and this is a new beginning in my life. As I entered the company, I was being asked to meet the CEO. I could hear loud yelling noises of man "how could you be so reckless, do you even know which company you are working at?...who the hell do think will clear all the mess that you have spread? You are fired, don't say another word, I want you be gone by an hour" this really made me gulp, I didn't know why I was even called. I was just standing there as I didn't dare go in. Just than a women passing by asked me why was I standing there I smiled at her and thinking I didn't do anything wrong I opened the door giving a gentle knock. I could see this man with light beard, sharp jawline, muscular, wearing suit, a perfume which was covering entire room, veins pooping out of his hands was typing something, he was looking like a sculpture while I was admiring his beauty unknowingly he looked up and said "take the seat" and then continued, he had a spark in his eyes. I took the chair but his face looked similar but I couldn't remember "if you are done watching me, we can talk" I got very nervous "no I wasn't no I mean… I am Sana…" he cut me out and started while typing "I don't need your introduction I have already seen your resume, you will work as my secretary also" I was shocked "secretary? I mean I applied for manager's post and I don't even know…" he looked up straight into my eyes "you have gotten rejected for being manager" "but the internship…" he started typing again "that's not for you" "I want to work as manager not secretary" "work as my secretary for 2 months, if you want! than if you prove yourself to be responsible then you can work as manager and don't worry my ex-secretary will explain you the work, you can start tomorrow and don't get into anymore scandal" he passed a contract, I was still shocked I was just about to reject but I could see salary as ten thousand dollars per month, I quickly calculated that like this I can clear my study loan in just 6 months so I signed and came out, it was really suffocating inside.

I got to know that the man who got fired just before my entry was actually ex-secretary, he explained me all the works. "Thank you, Raheem, for explaining everything" he looked sad and then said "Ethan is really a monster I don't know why he came to India to expand the branches, I am the 24th secretary, no one lasts more than a week with him" then he walked out.

I didn't stay for long, I shopped groceries and went home. Alex and Dia came running as I went in and said that all the videos were taken back, I couldn't believe it, we got drunk and partied on that. We were drinking, just then I got a call from Andrew, he said he wanted to meet this Sunday and before I could say anything he hung up. I was so confused I didn't know what to do, did Andrew make them to take all of them back, what am I gonna talk to him, and how am I gonna handle this new job?

Here comes a twist as Ethan, and now Andrew also wants to talk to her, what would she do now?

Stay tuned to know, what turn this takes...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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