
Chapter 4-3

Marley scowled. At the beginning of June after Gabby complained about her daily run ins with Leo being rich and snobby at her summer job in the towns' country club, and she found out Aiden had no idea where the nearest Walmart is - the girls put their feet down. Confronting Leo and Aiden at Bryan's apartment, she and Gabby challenged them to get a summer job. Minimum wage labour.

Marley wanted to her boyfriend to understand hard work for dollars and cents, and Gabby wanted Leo to stop treating his $100 tips to her when he and his football buddies sit in her section after a round of golf - like pocket change. Like it meant nothing. Like money isn't something they need to see the value of in order to stand on their own two feet. Leo and Aiden will never back down from any challenge, so they put their heads together and decided on a lawn mowing business. Kahn's Lawns.