
Chapter 39-2

"Don't." she cut him off, but her anger was gone.

She was defeated. Always surrendered, when it came to Aiden. She stood and, when she was satisfied that her hands were clean, crossed her arms and walked across the bridge to feel more of the cool breeze across her hot skin. He followed her. She could hear his footsteps thudding over the wood seconds after hers had.

She felt trapped. Cornered. But she took deep breaths and leaned her forearms against the wooden railing. The view from beyond the gazebo was only darkness after the pristine lawn lifted into a hill, cutting off into the dark sky and the stars above their heads.

"I should say I'm sorry." he began quietly from behind her.

His words ticked her off enough for her to turn around. He was standing across the little gazebo from her, leaning against one of the railings with his arms crossed, his eyes blazing.

"You should-"

"But I'm not sorry, Marley."