
Chapter 38-4

Bree reached for her arm while Tristan stood from the couch across from Marley and Aiden.

"Stop getting so worked up over this. It's nobody's fault," she demanded Kelly, shooting Marley a reassuring glance.

"Then why does it feel like his." Kelly was openly glaring at Aiden, and it made Marley's hackles raise, defensive of the way she was speaking to him.

"I can't control what Leo does. Your anger towards me is fine, I couldn't give less of a shit, but leave Marley out of this. She spoke to me as you asked of her, and she didn't have to do that." Aiden's words were calm and stoic, his expression blank as he stared at Kelly.

"You're the one who can talk to him, he will listen to you, and you know that. You could've told him to back off a long ass time ago but you didn't. I'm not going to apologize for being pissed that your friend is fucking with mine and upsetting her. He's a piece of shit, and so are you."