
Chapter 35-3

Marley ripped her arm from his hold, "Do me a favour and back off, Aiden." she responded in a voice devoid of all emotion.

She is hurt. She is in pain. Confused and lost even if she physically knew where she was. Did she want to cry? Did she want to scream and ball her fists at the sky? Did she want to turn around and kiss the life out of the person standing behind her? She wasn't sure anymore.

Brown University. This camp. She wasn't sure of all of it.

Marley's footsteps were muted thuds across the ground as she squeezed herself through the girls flooding the doorway.

"Marley, stop, I'm not-"

"Leave her be right now. I know her. She needs space."

"Space is a fucking excuse to give up on somebody. I will never give up on her."

Don't make promises you can't keep, Aiden.

"And she appreciates that, but she needs a bit of time alone."