
Chapter 33-2

After a few more seconds of their eye contact, he broke it to tilt his head back, letting out a defeated laugh. "That manipulative little shit. Using you every time." Marley folded her arms over her chest, bristling. "If Ian asked me to discuss something with you I didn't agree with, I wouldn't have even brought it up. But I agree with him, Aiden. I agree that he should be able to go to a high school party." "Let's get one thing straight right now," Aiden's eyes were back on hers again, his hands falling to grip her hips. "This? Not a discussion. This is you telling me what's going to happen because you and Ian both know I can't say no to you, let alone when you're straddling me!"

She folded her arms over her chest assertively. "Aiden." He sighed loudly in defeat, re-wrapping her arms around his neck. "Okay, okay. Fine. I'll think about it."

"Think about it?"