
Chapter 31-3

The Uber rumbled as they drove along the gravel path out of camp that afternoon. The sun had lowered. The trees around them were swaying with the gentle breeze. Flocks of birds flew above their heads, and the air was crisp and refreshing.

Aiden's dressed in grey shorts that end above his knee, and a dark blue t-shirt stretching across his chest. There was a pocket on the left side, right over his heart.

When they climbed into the car, he slipped his black Ray Bans sunglasses on top of his head of messy, dishevelled, dark brown hair. The sun rays seeping through the passenger window highlighted some of his more caramel strands. He had an arm resting below the window, long fingers tapping against the plastic absentmindedly. His sharp jaw taught, the very microscopic beginnings of a 5 o'clock shadow making its appearance. His blue eyes, framed with dark lashes, were narrowed on the black iPhone resting in his other hand.