
Chapter 23-3

Aiden was the one to raise a surprised eyebrow this time, but his expression otherwise remained unfazed as he dipped his grilled cheese in his soup. "Eat. This soup is delicious-"

"I'm not hungry!" she snapped.

"I've noticed." Aiden bit back, and Marley's heart stopped beating. No. No. No, please dear gods, no. "I've noticed that answer has become way too fucking common the last couple of months." She felt her face pale as she shrank back in her seat, but he wasn't done. "And I know your body like I know the back of my hand, Marley," he continued, his spoon clattering to the table again. This time it was intentional. "I can tell you've lost weight, even if I couldn't already tell you're avoiding food like the plague."