
Chapter 21-4

Marley twisted her hand to grip tightly onto his. His eyes flew open, and his gaze had turned smouldering. She swallowed nervously, but his expression quickly turned sad again. He closed his eyes like looking around at the world was painful right now.

"Is Ian alright?" She whispered worriedly.

He was quiet for at least a minute. His lips parted, and Marley didn't want to focus on the action as much as she did.

"They didn't...they didn't speak to him Friday or Saturday. They kept their distance and had become cold. He was...he was terrified Marley."

"Aiden did-"

"Can I hold you?" He interrupted. His eyes opened again and bored into hers, studying carefully.

Her breathing hitched. She wanted him to feel comforted, so she nodded after a silent few seconds.