
Chapter 19-3

Marley balled the handle in a small fist, resting her back against the door in the dark hall. With her ear pressed to the cool wood, she heard Aiden's quiet curse on the other side, even over her racing heart. She just knew his hand hovered on the handle, she just felt him centimetres away, leaned against the door like she was. Taking heavy breaths, Marley waited to feel the handle twist from his end, despite the fear of the unknown that kept her from truly wanting it to. What would happen if he opened that door?

What then, Marley?

She jolted when the hallway suddenly lit up. Caleb stood outside of the guest room next to a yellow switch. She yanked her hand away from the door handle, her heated face finally beginning to cool. Marley heard the distant sound of running water then -- Aiden turning on the shower. She swallowed away her jitters as their moment dissipated, the disappointment and sting of rejection hurting more than she was expecting it to.