
Chapter 15-P4

Then Leo silenced. Marley could tell he was looking at Aiden. They seemed to have some silent argument. Finally, Leo's jaw locked, and he looked away.

"Alright...then. We have to leave soon. Curfew is eight on school nights," Bree broke the silence, and everyone stood to their feet.

Kelly had to be shoved because she was watching something on her phone, but other than that everyone was packed up fairly quickly. Before splitting up to go to their separate cabins to change and freshen up, they agreed to meet in front of the mess hall. Aiden had booked an Uber so it would arrive when they were ready, and Marley silently wondered how he managed to get one that could fit the probably ten people going.

Back home, she worked at the University library. It was tough work, the thousands of books needed to be sorted and catalogued on the daily. She had money from the long hours and had been putting some aside for this trip for the last month or two.