

A man of youth declares the ruining of humanity for the sake of creating God.

CieloCoffin · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Yaffa Part 2

Lull was laying still as a rock, whilst Jimi slowly got up holding his jaw with both hands. Blood gushing down his arms and flooding down his neck.

'What the fuck is up with this...She's a fucking loon.'

"Are ya just gonna stare or what!"

'Ugh, and she's fucking loud. If it wasn't for her face, I could guarantee not a single being would want to be in her presence.'

"L! Get up, we're gonna beat this bitch up."

Once the words glided egotistically, Jimi saw in the instant his breath let go, a pair of shoes were all he could see. Jumping up sporadically, Jimi looked around, shifting to his right, a frightening sight was apparent.

"Ack! Holy... Lull what did she do to you?" Jimi said in a pitied scream.

Lull's face was mangled but, "At least it's not as bad as yours, pretty sure we're gonna need to go to the hospital."

"Screw that, where is that little wretch!"

"Oh I wonder, what little wretch one must be to gain such animosity."

The voice was familiar, disgustingly familiar. She stood behind, the presence of a being far higher than him.

'Seriously, what the heck is going on?! Did I take some of those weird pills Otus likes so much? I'm having the worst day of my entire life.'

"Ah, uh, wretch, I meant um, ah..." He couldn't think of anything.

"It's fine. Your friend tried explaining the best he could after I smacked him around a little."

She then gave a light curtsy, bowing somewhat, "So in regards to my actions, I apologize, Sir Jimi Xyken.

A chill quivered throughout him, 'I think I'm gonna need a therapist.'

"Uh, well n-no apology is uh needed," 'Damn! Why must I be afraid of some girl who's younger than me? It's even worse, she can fucking act. Even if I complain, how would anyone know, ugh, truly disgusting.'

"Well anyway, that was that, it's my humble apology for not introducing myself, I'm Yaffa Vintraliastor. It's a pleasure to meet you."

'Pure disgust, filthy, this is revolting, like a damn evil serpent. Now it's a definite confirmation, the female race is filled with the conniving ferocious beast that even put my father to shame.'

"What type of nonsense is that!? Oops."


Yaffa quickly covered her mouth. 'I messed up if Godmother finds out...'

"Nonsense what nonsense."

"Not all girls are bad, my Godmother is incredible."

"Okay and, I didn't say all girls were bad."

Jimi gave an odd look, for as stupid as some believe he is, catching small things was always something he was good at. 'I can feel, suspicious.'

"Well I can read it all over your face, you're like an open book," Yaffa proclaimed with a hearty laugh that felt incredibly forced.

'Wow, she's a really bad liar. Though I find this odd, it's not like a can question, beating it off her is obviously impossible. I give up.'

"See super easy to read."

'Wow, wow, wow. This is terrible, and I don't mean for me, I was literally trembling seconds ago just knowing her presence was near me. Now I can finally see, this girl for as crazy as she is is just a girl. She's nothing like that freaky devilish lady.'

"If you don't mind, but how old are you?"

"Isn't that quite rude to say to a lady?"

'Well for one it seemed she identified herself in the wording as a child prior, but now she's gonna pull out the I'm a lady approach. What bullshit. Whatever, I should just let Lull deal with this.'

"Well, I asked if you minded, no need to be giving more lip than needed."

"What did you just say!? After I've been really nice too."

'What the actual fuck is she saying. Has she lost it? What kindness, damn she's a loony kid. Calm down man, like I said before, nothing can be done now.'

His face was bursting with red as his frustration inchmeal up.

"Ya, ya, alright I apologize. You know who I am, but let me introduce you to my friend Lull. Yo L. if you're just gonna keep crouching, then that's fine, but you should at least get up to greet her. Though you might've already."

"No, I haven't. It was quite difficult to talk after the many times that she punched me."

"You were just resisting too much."

"Ah, Okay."

'What's with this dude, no matter what I say or do, a reaction barely comes out. He'll every now and then have a flinch of expression, but then immediately go back to being totally lifeless. It's like someone 'drilled' a hole in his brain.'

"Well anyway, I'm Lull, I'm about six months older than you and six months younger than Jimi."

"Wait how the hell did..."

Without letting her finish, Lull pointed to the sky.

"I just had a feeling, your birthday is exactly six months before this one, on the same day, the 6th."

"Just had a feeling you say."

'Although I can't control it, I can roughly guess if someone is thinking or envisioning things, but this guy. Unlike his doofus friend, who keeps yammering that it became the opposite of my problems. Where instead of trying to hear what someone was thinking, in this instance I couldn't turn the damn thing off. His was so grating, but this guy, Lull, or whatever. Weirdly enough the name suits him because all I can hear is static, like crashing ocean waves. A fuzzy silence. Even I can read the slight emotions of Godmother unless she actively tries to hide them. This guy though is too soft, punching him felt like punching a pillow, with zero impact. I am confident he has no fighting experience, nor has he trained with the 'Mah'. I'm so utterly confused.'

As Yaffa was drifting in her own mind, both Lull and Jimi slowly sneaked off, until.

"Oi! Who said you could leave."

The two turned, their faces growing paler by the second.

"Let's all walk in together."


Even Lull was a tad stunned, with the way all three of them looked, well it wouldn't be the most flattering entrance.

"Yes. Let's all walk in together."

"Ya know I didn't really wanna say it, but what gave you the impression that the two guys you beat the shit out of. Would ever want to walk side by side with you? Not just that, you destroyed half our back entry garden. You broke the steps and fountains too. And you think I want to be near you? That's ridiculous, I still have my damn dignity, even if it's the one whom has been beaten by a girl younger them him twice. Oh and finally before I forget, we all look like actual trash. So to simplify what I'm saying. We're not gonna walk with a lunatic like you, instead, I and Lull are gonna go get cleaned up and change, and probably play some games till we pass out."

"Holy crap that was long. I don't care about your dignity, and I only destroyed your garden cause I was bored and I was forced to come in this stupid frilly nonsense, and walk around whilst a bunch of adults meander. But now that I found you two, tonight's going to be even more fun."

Jimi's face went completely white, she ignored practically everything he said, taking in what only she wanted.

"Jimi don't worry about it. As one can say, what can you do about it?"

"Kick her out of my damn home!!!"

"Ah. Ya, that could work, but then she would look like some weird homeless urchin sitting outside your front gate."

'Homeless urchin? Homeless urchin?! I knew this guy didn't care about much, but to describe someone like me as looking like a damn homeless urchin. How dare he!'

"Now Jimi let us go. Your sister has some leftover clothing, we'll just give those to her. We can then all take turns cleaning up, and then we'll play some games for the rest of the night. If she tries anything, don't worry, for I'll get serious if she does."

'Lull serious. I feel those words don't mix. Well, it seems she's not really... Holy crap! She's fuming.'

As if saying it deep within his eyes Jimi looked towards Lull then back at Yaffa, then Lull. 'Dude can you actually handle that.'

All Lull would give was a simple thumbs up.

'We're doomed'