
chapter 1 birth of the ninth prince

a beautiful young man could be seen lying on a king sized bed the features of this being could only be described as darkness surrounding the light , his hair was so black one could make out stars on them his face was so pale one wondered if he was alright or something lying on his arms was a crystal clear egg with black and red runes all around it, the egg was giving off the sense of darkness as if promising forever pain destruction to who ever but in the hands of this being it's was acting like a docile being that was not capable of anything evil.....

finally the being opened it eyes..


Heavenly Palace

we tian Wang the emperor was Seen outside the palace of gift ( were the emperor's mate had decided to use as his labour room)

Bai shen what do you think is happening inside

your Majesty I really don't know at all could you be patient with his highness the empress.

Bai shen I told him constantly we shouldn't have another child we have eight sons already don't he want to be there for them or something our youngest son is already a few hundred years of age but he won't listen and wanted another .

we tian could you stop with your stupidity or else am sure brother in-law will decide to go back to the realm of darkness am sure you don't want that right.

(the maid comes running to them)

bows your Majesty , creator the empress demands both your presence

Inside the palace .

"my beloved you called on me( the emperor said as he help the young man up to sit upright)

"we tian hold this tightly don't let it drop off okay that's our Last child"

(the king was confused but did what he said) "master he said turning towards Bai shen protect all my sons for me especially my little chaos and this little guy in my stead name the little one (we hua) as he reminds me of something."

"my love my body is dieing but it's doesn't mean that I will die I just need to Sleep for some time okay nothing to worry about, in about a hundred years from now the baby Will be born and rise just like a Phoenix and will be born , protect him cherish him ok cause bad people may come after him , master you have noticed that the little one has destructive power in him in a hundred years from now after he comes out of his sleep please let him participate in the gods selection with his brothers . " I want to sleep now tell my babies that I love them dearly" ( I promise I will awaken after a thousand years ok )

"sleep tight my love don't forget me or our babies ok ." ..........