
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


On the 19th of Felimbro, Sadon Giarriose started to make his plan come true. He began by creating a network of agents and spies who would gather valuable information and carry out sabotage missions against his enemies. He also formed alliances with powerful factions that would support his goals and help him expand his power and influence. With his plan in place, Sadon was now a threat to be taken seriously.

I will also reveal you that the Brown Wolf faction was actually planning to infiltrate Sadon's faction of the Dominion of Sondhra...

This plan was put in place with the help of a secret organization known as the Order of the Golden Mask.

The Order of the Golden Mask has long planned for a conflict between Sadon and Tonjen.

They knew that the factions would fight each other for control in the future, and so they prepared themselves to take advantage of the chaos that would ensue. So the Order of the Golden Mask began .

As if Sadon Giarriose was not enough, who took advantage of their intimate relationship with Aessah of Vand its leader of the Brown Wolf Crew faction, Season Giardiasis without thinking twice hit Aessah of Vand in the head to make it lose consciousness, Sadon Giarriose took Aessah of Vand Theonan of Ustego's rival Bronze Vultures faction

in changing weapons is money is being sub leader of the faction

Sadon Giarriose saw the potential of working with Theonan of Ustego and the Bronze Vultures faction of the XZP world.

He knew that they would be powerful allies in his plans to dominate the XZP world. And so he sought out a partnership with Theonan in order to further his own ambitions. The two factions soon became allies, and they worked together in pursuit of their shared goals.

It was a powerful collaboration that allowed both factions to expand their power and influence and to achieve great things in the XZP world.

Aessah of Vand was held captive by Theonan's faction, the Bronze Vultures.

She was kept imprisoned for months as they worked to extract information from her about the Brown Wolf Crew faction.

Sadly, she never escaped her imprisonment and eventually died at the hands of Theonan's faction.

It was a tragic end for a young woman who had had so much potential to do good in the world, but her life was cut short by the greed and cruelty of Theonan and his allies.

The Brown Wolf Crew faction was infuriated at the discovery that Sadon Giarriose was the traitorous figure responsible for the death of Aessah of Vand.

They vowed to make him pay for his crimes, and began planning an attack that would strike at the heart of the Bronze Vultures, and bring an end to their faction once and for all.

The Brown Wolf Crew was determined to avenge the death of Aessah, and they knew that this would be a difficult task, but they were also confident in their ability to succeed.

Sadon Giarriose and the Bronze Vultures faction were looking for allies to help them against the possible war with the Brown Wolf Crew.

They began to reach out to powerful factions that they thought would align with their goals and be willing to aid the Bronze Vultures in their fight.

Their efforts quickly bore fruit, and they soon had a number of powerful allies on their side, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.

The Brown Wolf Crew and the Bronze Vultures faction were now locked in a battle for supremacy, and it seemed that anything could happen next...

The Brown Wolf Crew sought out Jaethol Mollene, king of the Noble Mountains of Quyckemark.

They knew that he was a wise and just leader who had been working hard to maintain peace in his realm. They also knew that he had a strong bond with Tonjen Lane and would be willing to ally with the Brown Wolf Crew to oppose Sadon Giarriose's efforts to expand his power and influence.

The Brown Wolf Crew knew that an alliance with the Noble Mountains of Quyckemark would be a powerful ally indeed, and they were eager to form a friendship with Jaethol.

The Brown Wolf Crew faction, commanded by Tonjen Lane, went to the throne of the Dwarf King Jaethol Mollene. They explained the situation of a possible war with Sadon Giarriose.

They warned Jaethol that Sadon was a threat to the XZP world as a whole, and urged him to take action before it was too late.

The Dwarf King was wise and just, and he understood the seriousness of the situation. He agreed to ally with the Brown Wolf Crew faction, and to help them stop Sadon before his plans could be fully realized.