
Call to Innocence

A call to innocence is the dark and the light. A spark rose up to conquer the night. While everything goes as everything goes. A single decision can change your life. Call to Innocence is the story of the Etherian Ryan. She suffers from amnesia and stumbled upon the son of Satan, Emery who also is suffering from amnesia and a Demon named Mezoli. Ryan's memories are being withheld from her by someone who doesn't want her to remember, she is trying to do everything in her power to regain her memories. Emery's memories were sealed away by his Father for taking on the more gentle qualities of his mother the Virgin Mary. He joins Ryan after his soul recognizes her and he instantly feels a connection. Mezoli, ostracized by both his Angel heritage and his Devil heritage, was cast out. He lived alone before Ryan and Mezoli had unknowingly broken into his house. His soul recognizes them both and he feels that he has to follow them. This is the story...A story of agonizing betrayl, and love. How far will one go for the ties that bind?

Draven_Nyx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 3:

Ryan's PoV:

I watched as the sun slipped slowly down, my legs pulled into my chest. We were three days out from the Metropolis of Kirilinko.

"Ryan."Mezoli called to me.

"Come on, dinner is ready."His gaze was gentle and understanding, yet his eyes were like that of a raging, stormy sea.

I stood up, looking to the forest below the cliff where I had been sitting. It was so sublime. I stood there a moment more, appreciating the different shades of green the forest had to offer in the honey colored glow of the sun as it slipped behind the horizon.

"Grilled fish from the river I presume?"I walked up the the radiant, orange flames.

"Yes."Mezoli focused on feeding the embers.

"We have rations, why not eat those?"I sat down on the ground near the fire.

"We need to save as much as we can."

"Mez is correct."Emery took a skewer holding the fish.

"I know."I felt like pouting. I really wanted to try the cured deer. "You boys are something else."

"You care for us regardless though."Emery smiled.

"And who said that?"I laughed.

"You did, you call us your boys. That gives some sense of care, less you'd call us not more than dogs."Emery chuckled.

"Why do the choices have to be so extreme?"I raised an eyebrow.

"I know not why, I just know that it is."He stared up at the sky as each silver star came dancing into view.

I picked up a skewer, eyeing the fish, I cringed looking at it's eyes.

"I can't do it."I mumbled.

"And why not, I've prepared it just for you and Emery."Mezoli looked displeased.

"I...It's the eyes.."I said sheepishly.

"What's wrong with the eyes?"Mezoli tilted his head.

"No it's the eyes, they are freaking me out and I can't do it with it staring at me. It feels wrong."

The two began laughing at me.

"Haven't you eaten fresh caught fish before?"

"Ehh, kinda."I stared at the meal on the stick.

The night went on much the same, I ended up eating the fish after Mez cut its head off.

The next two days went by peacefully.


Emery's PoV:

"Wake up!"I heard Mezoli scream, I blinked, my vision blurred as my eyes strained to come into focus.

"It's Ryan, she's gone!"Mezoli sounded panicked.

The world snapped into focus and I jumped to my feet. I began sniffing around trying to find her scent, while Mez spouted off any and all possibilities as to what could have happened to her.

The trees and shrubs began to rustle, Mezoli abruptly summoned a long, sleek, black gun.

"Do not shoot, for it is her!"I said frantically.

"What the hell are you guys making such noise about?"She looked slightly annoyed, but her eyes told a different story, they were genuinely worried.

"Where did you go?!"Mezoli raced up to Ryan, wrapping his long arms around her small frame.

"I just went pee."She said nonchalantly.

Mez started lecturing her about not going off on her own.

"Look, if you guys are this fired up, then just let's go. Put out that fire."She commanded.

Mez threw dirt on the fire to kill it, but not before he told it "You served us well." He had a habit of talking to inanimate objects and it seemed as if he waited for all those things to give him a response before going on with his life. It was intriguing. I think Ryan noticed it too.


Mezoli's PoV:

After I put out the fire we were left in darkness, to be only guided and comforted by the each other and gentle glow of the moon. The stars lit the night sky in a stunningly eerie way. There was no light pollution to hinder the night's beauty. It was something I appreciated, the moon comforted me when I was alone for all that time. I touched my back, the scars still hurt, even though many years had passed.

I winced, remembering the horrific memories. I still felt the vicious singe of pain caused by those... people. I couldn't bare it. I had fallen behind, I caught up with Ryan and Emery who waited about 10 yards away.

We walked what seemed for hours, the darkness consumed us, it swallowed us whole in the void of night. The ferocity of the silence was violent.. Slowly but surely the sun rose gracefully, starting with the mellow gray light of dawn, but soon it's harsh light tore into my eyes.

"Unrelentless."I murmured to myself bitterly. The words tasted metallic, which wasn't pleasant.

I shielded my eyes from the sun's powerful rays, I squinted trying to see what was in front of me.

The giant silver Metropolis of Kirilinko came into view.

"We made it."Ryan sighed in relief.



Kirilinko: Kear-E-lean-co