

I could hear the din from the bar as I exited my SUV and I was still almost a block away. What a shame! I knew from long experience that would change as soon as my foot crossed the threshold. I tend to have that effect on people. I’m six feet six inches tall and I weigh an even 250 pounds—all of it broad shouldered muscle. My Body Mass Index at my last physical was less than four percent. My light brown hair is styled exactly the way it’s been for the past fifteen years—ever since I first joined the Navy. Sure enough, no sooner had I taken my first step into the bar than the noise died. When I turned left and stepped up to the bar the people there couldn’t back away fast enough. I took a stool in the middle of the empty space and sat down, waiting for the bartender to approach. “I’m not looking for any trouble.” “Good…neither am I. Give me a ginger ale.” He reached under the bar for a glass and some ice. Twenty seconds later he slid the glass in my direction. I pulled a fiver from my pocket and dropped it on the bar. He ignored it and walked away to draw a few beers and pour some wine. It looked to me like this was a pretty cheap crowd. Checking up and down the bar all I could see were longnecks and drafts. I reached into the lower left pocket of my cargo pants. Like almost everything else I was wearing they were a true deep navy blue. My heavy shoes were black as was my wide belt. My belt said as much about me as the bold white lettering across my chest. Just below the American flag over my heart were the letters that were my life—U. S. MARSHAL. On my right hip was my nickel plated .44 Magnum Colt Python, just behind two speed loaders in addition to the twenty-four rounds on the belt. On my left hip was my ASP Talon baton—every bit as deadly a weapon in my hands as the revolver. A pouch at the back of my right hip held my stainless steel handcuffs and its partner on the opposite side held my radio—my link to my backup team. I placed the photo flat on the bar as the bartender returned to me. “I’ll have another,” I said in a loud voice, continuing so I wouldn’t be overheard. “Don’t pick it up and don’t make a production of looking at it. I’ve been told that he comes here a lot. Is he here tonight? If he is and he escapes because you’ve given me away I’ll see to it that you’re arrested for obstruction of justice.” He gulped a few times but did as he was told, nodding slightly in response. I continued almost at a whisper. “If my nose is pointing to twelve o’clock, my right ear to three, the back of my head to six, and my left ear to nine, tell me where he is. Again, don’t point or do anything obvious and we’ll be fine.” He pretended to wipe the bar as he whispered, “About 4:30 with his back to you.” I picked up the reflection in the mirror then asked, “Red shirt with black and white stripes, looking away from me?” He nodded again. Now, in my normal tone of voice I asked, “Where’s the men’s room?”

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasia
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69 Chs


We needed a long-term plan approved by the Council for vehicle replacement. The same was true of shotguns, pistols, and parts. I also thought that we needed more manpower for the midnight shift. And then there were the two projects I wanted for the community.

Lucy and Daryl joined me for lunch and I laid out the deficiencies as I saw them. "That's one of the reasons why you were hired, Matt. There hasn't been an increase in the police department budget for the last ten years. In that time salaries alone rose by almost fifty percent so something had to be wrong. I think that all of us expect a big increase, but I'll start working on that today. We're having an emergency meeting Monday night to deal with the Carl Haynes matter. Luckily, he'll be out of office by January. I'm going to recommend Jasmine as his replacement. Haynes was running unopposed, so we'll have to vote in a replacement and this way she'll have the upper hand." Then she leaned over the table to kiss me, reminding me for at least the thirtieth time about her appointment tomorrow afternoon.

I walked over to the City Planning Department at 1:30 where I was met by a Mark Fredericks at the counter. He told me that he was one of the architects in the department. "That's great—just what I need. I want to erect two community centers—one in the eastern end of the city and one in the west. That means that land would have to be purchased and a building erected. I want a gymnasium where kids can play ball and—I think—three rooms for senior citizens, maybe one for cards or games and another for arts and crafts and perhaps a kitchen/dining room. Finally, I want space for a police department substation. What do you think?"

"I think you're blowing smoke out your ass. It's great to have ideas, but this City Council will never vote for it."

"I think there will be a lot of support. In fact, my wife loves the idea."

"That doesn't mean much."

"Do you know my wife?"


"Her name is Lucille Cahill—Lucille Bascomb Cahill." I thought his jaw dropped so far it would hit the floor. "How long will it take to get some preliminary drawings that I can share with the Council?"

"When's the next meeting?"

"Monday night to deal with the Carl Haynes issue."

"What issue?"

"He was arrested last week along with several others in a big drug bust."

"No shit! I never would have thought…." Then he was really surprised when I told him about the others. "Damn! I always wondered why the cops never caught many drug dealers." Then, as an afterthought he said, "What a disgusting mess. I guess we all owe you a vote of thanks. I have three kids—two in high school and one in middle school."

"I expect to get roughly $900,000 from the confiscated money and my wife has pledged another $100,000. Her father has pledged another $250,000 so I think it has a good chance of happening."

"Okay, I think I can have some preliminary drawings by Monday night."

"Great, will you come to the meeting to explain and answer any questions?"

"Nobody's ever asked me to do that before, but—yeah, I can do that. It'll be my pleasure. Thanks, Chief."

"Just call me, Matt." We shook hands and I left him to his work.

The following morning I had a call from Paul McCormick. "I don't know how you did it, but your ten candidates all scored in the top fifty and two of them were in the top fifteen. Great going. Will you have openings for all of them?

"For most; how'd they do on the psych part?"

"They all passed easily which is more than I can say for the folks from Memphis. Half of them failed that part." I knew that was the death knell for their fledgling police careers. One could always take the aptitude part of the test again and hope to do better, but improving on the psych exam was next to impossible. We talked for a while before I made my next call—a very important one to my friend Pastor Anthony Michaels about my next speech to his congregation.

I went home that night with a huge grin on my face and when Lucy ran to hug and kiss me it was even bigger. I spun around with Lucy in my arms as our lips pressed together and our tongues dueling in our love for each other. Breaking the kiss, I whispered, "I love you and I always will. My love for you is eternal." I guessed that she agreed because she once again pressed those delicious lips into mine. That was how I carried her into the house. Max was nipping at my feet when we ran into a laughing Ingrid. "I just want you to know that I'll have dinner in about fifteen minutes…if you're interested, that is!"

I placed Lucy onto her feet before walking into the kitchen to get a Coke for me and an iced tea for Lucy. We were talking in the family room when Ingrid summoned us to the table. She served us delicious beef filets done medium rare with roasted new potatoes and grilled corn. It was another fantastic meal, made even better because Lucy and I kissed between almost every bite.

After feeding Max we went outside to the pool where we dropped our clothes and stepped into the water naked. We swam a dozen laps before stopping to hold and kiss each other. My hands were on her butt cheeks, butchers went straight to my cock. "And, what do you have in mind, Mrs. Cahill," I asked teasingly.

"I think you already have a really good idea, my darling. It feels a little cool, but I have a nice way to warm it up." She kissed me then as her legs went around my waist and she pulled me into her heaven. Damn, but it really was heaven in there—so warm and wet and silky smooth unless she used her powerful Kegel muscles on me. Her slow languid movements in the dark water as she wrapped herself around my cock and rubbed her bullet-hard nipples into my chest drove me wild with lust. I had learned many weeks ago that I could never get enough of Lucy.