
Caged - Project Midnight

Nine has been freed from one prison just to enter another one. Can she battle her way through a world dominated by vampires to gain her freedom, or will she remained caged forever by her so called rescuers?

RavenSadi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Waiting at the Edge of Darkness

I can't remember the last time I felt the sun on my face or the wind in my hair. The last time I laughed or cried seemed to be a lifetime away. All I know now is the darkness, the murmur of people's voices and the rush of water through my ears. I know I have been sleeping for a long time and that I have to wake up but the darkness has become my companion, my blanket, and my life.

"Doctor we have some brain activity!" A female voice cried...the only clear words I have heard in a very long time.

"Keep an eye on her vitals...we don't want to loose her again!" The low rumble of a voice pierced through my body.

I could feel it like a small tremor traveling down my spine. It was such a long time since I had moved that I didn't know if I could but I forced my eyes to open enough to see blurry white shapes beyond the liquid filled prison that was my home.

"Her eyes are open!" That deep voice exclaimed as I watched the figure come closer. "Welcome back my dear. How are you feeling?"

Was this creature talking to me? I didn't know how to respond, did I have a voice of my own? When was the last time I used it? All of these questions made a loud noise thunder in my head and my body shake...is this what it called panic?

I wanted to go back to that dark place. I hungered for the silence, for the peace, and the solidarity. I felt my eyes grow heavy with the effort to keep them open so I gave in and felt the darkness surround me again.

"Doctor we are loosing her again!" The female voice sounded hollow and far away as I swam for that dark place.

"No we need to keep her brainwaves and vitals steady!" The resonating voice became merely a whisper, but before I reached the dark I felt something else, something new.

Don't lock yourself away again... It was a thought more than a voice but it was not my thought. It felt male and so very far away. I turned back towards my dark home and felt myself smile just a little. No you must wait for me! On the edge of darkness if you must… just don't slip away again…

I felt annoyance at this thought; I did not want to listen to it. Let me go home! I thought back at it with a growl. I felt laughter from the thought that was not my own.

Let me rescue you from the dark little one… Wen you wake seek out the Archer…

I felt the new feeling fade away and all that was left was the familiar silence with the darkness waiting for me to join it again, but I hesitated this time. I wanted to chase the thought that made me angry and find out what it was so I waited on the edge of the darkness to see if it would return.