

A seasoned officer delves into a series of gruesome murders with an eerie pattern. As the clock ticks towards midnight, the investigator unravels a web of supernatural horrors and twisted secrets that threaten to consume not just the city, but their sanity. But he failed to solve anything and ended up getting killed . Saddened to hear his friend passing away , The legendary retired detective vowed to take revenge on whoever did this to his friend. But as he began investigating, he was faced with events that could never be explained in logics . The strange events, the midnight murders , the officials assassination and no lack of clues made many people give up on the case but for him , giving up wasn't in his dictionary. "Tell me Hendrick ! Do you work for law you see or for the justice you don't ?" ........ A major adventure and minor romance! that's how this story begins !

Hollowlives · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 4

The thoughts and clashes !

Daily buffet , Church Street.

Facing the serious looking Remus who sat opposite towards me , I felt like sitting on nails.

Wearing a rigid face , His eyes sharp and smile down , was glaring at me .

This guys can't atleast smile a little bit ?

That's why he never had a partner yet.

No one would feel comfortable if they see you glaring at them like that !

Shaking my head , I decided to speak directly about my intentions

"So what do you think about this case ?"

Sensing my direct approaching words , he instead asked strangely

"You are quite changed ...I can't expect the arrogant Cadmus to be these silent now . "

Hearing his words , I choose to be silent .

Sometimes being silent is the best answer , Not Evey answers has to be spoken loudly .

Seeing my silence , Remus leaned back to his chair which produced a small creaking sound .

"If it was before you wouldn't even look at others, much less work with them ? Imposible , that's how arrogant you were .....but now !"

His words were true.

I was always self centred, egoistic and arrogant enough to look down on others but now ...I'm not that strong anymore.

Sighing myself , I looked at him and said seriously

"Enough of past matters, Let's talk about the present now !"

Remus snorted and asked coldly

"What do you want ?"

Clearing my imagination cough, I stated my intentions

"We should work together to solve these case !"

"Hahahah ...."

Remus suddenly laughed out , his voice disturbing others in the hotel .

I frowned seeing his behaviour.

After a second, Remus waved at the people around and apologized politely . After that he looked at me and responded

"Work together you say? The famous detective Hendrick Brixton wants to work with a second hand private detective like me ? I should be very honoured then !"

Seeing him mocking at me repeatedly, my temper slightly rose but i was still polite

"Can't you just forget about previous agendas and let's work together !"

Chuckling softly , Remus clapped his hands twice and mockingly replied

"Working with you ? Am i worthy Mister great genius ?"

My patience was getting thin as I talk more with him but for finding out the culprit , I have to be very patient and shouldn't screw up like before.

Controlling my emotions, I lowered my voice and tried to be very calm

"Listen Remus -"

Remus glared at me and said with with cold smile

"I think you forgot that I'm not your assistant so please don't order me like you do to others. "

Finally I snapped back . Placing my both hands on the table angrily which brought a huge smacking sound , attracting everyone once again.

"You are very stubborn one Remus just like your f-"

Unexpectedly Remus who had cold smile on his face had a change in his expression , he roughly grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him , his eyes red and breathing uneven .

I could even smell nicotine on him .

Remus gripping my collar tightly , said coldly

"You better listen Mr Hendrick! Don't you dare mention his name ! I'm going to kill you if you ever said that name again ! You hear me ?"

If it was before, I would have flipped out from anger But now all I feel is nothing but emptiness.

Looking at his angry filled eyes , I stated slowly

"You are still the old Remus.... nothing changed."

He released my grip and sat down on the chair . Lowering his head , he spoke after two minutes

"What do you want to know?"

Hearing his words , My eyes narrowed dangerously close and said in low volume

"Everything about what you know..."

Remus shook his head and said in cold tone

"You know....I have experienced ten years of work in these field and yet I never seen something like this ..."

I couldn't help but ask

"Why do you think like that?"

I can't believe I'm hearing this words from him , the stubborn infamous Remus ! This guy was literally like a bloody leech who won't stop until he catches the culprit and bring him/her to justice.

And now I'm hearing a confusion and exhaustion in his voice ?

Or am i hearing things ?

Remus looked at me for a moment before saying

"Yesterday I got hired by Klaus Silver to investigate these case ....I heard from him that there was lot of pressure from the royal family to solve these case as soon as possible...."

I cut his speech off in middle by asking in surprised tone

"To solve the case ? Not to find the culprit or the reason for the motive behind murders ?"

Remus shook his head and said in mocking tone

"You are also a public worker . You should know those b@stards just want to close these case or else there will be again a civil unrest which may result in another rebellion ..."

I immediately thought about the morning news I read on the newspaper

Rebellions were executed in the name of justice ! Another injustice in the mask of justice...

The meaning behind solving the case and finding the culprit is entirely different. The first one is to shut the case as soon as possible or maybe even better, find a scapegoat and clear the case . The later one is to find the killer or culprit at any cost , no matter what it takes , the real culprit has to be found .

So now the royal family is asking for the case to be closed as soon as possible....but why does the royal family involved in this ?

Because of assassination of the Baroness?

Then shouldn't they be pressing on the killer ? But why putting pressure on closing the case ?

As I collected my thoughts , bunch of questions pooped inside my head . Thinking for a moment, I asked

"What about the government? What's their standing in these ?Any idea who hired you to investigate these case ? "

Remus smiled slightly and said

"It seems we are thinking the same thing ! I was hired by a thrid party from the royal family to investigate the case and find the killer who assassinated the Baroness and the government seems too lazy to bother about the case until someone in the royal family started pressuring them to close the case soon...it seems like there is something more beyond what we know !"

Remus was appointed by a third party from the royal family to investigate the case and to find the killer but now there is someone in the royal family that's is putting pressure on the police department to close the case as soon as possible.

Two different parties with their own thoughts but coming from the same origins !

What would be their motive behind this ?

As I thought deeper , I felt like i grasped something but at the same time there is a feeling of something very important is missing.

I asked him

"Any idea about who might that person be ?"

Remus shook his head and said frowning

"I have no clue since the other party was very secretive about his/her identity.... But I heard that the majesty's health is getting worse and he may have not much time left !"

Shrugging my shoulders , I responded to his words

"It seems there are lot of political agendas are revolving around these murder ...."

Remus looked at me and said laughingly coldly

"If not why would you ask my help ? You already have faint clue of the killer identity. Don't you ?"

I didn't deny his words not accept it , I changed the subject to another topic

"You didn't find any clues at the crime scene?"

Remus shook his head and spoke

"I have searched for seven hours straight yet i nerver found any clues at all .....it feels like a professional but even some professional make mistakes but here ...it all felt like natural!"

Noting down his unusual word , I came back to the main topic

"What do you think about the motive behind murdering the Baroness and a chief head of the police department?"

Remus eyes narrowed and he said with low voice

"It is very hard to guess ...but my instincts telling me that these murder has something to do with the political unrest !"

Noting down his words , I asked him again

"So what do you think?"

Remus glanced at me and smirked

"Not so fast Mr. Genius.....you still didn't say your perspective !"

I shook my head and said

"Can't guess until I'm sure about it ."

Remus snorted coldly.

"You may have changed but your annoying old habits didn't change at all !"

I touched my nose , out of habits when i heard his words .

"Don't you think Klaus Silver is very strange ? "

Hearing my words , he frowned and became silent . After five minutes he spoke again

"Now I think about it closely....indeed I feel strange about him ..... Getting appointed as chief of the police department within three hours after the death of the previous chief head ..."

I agreed to his words and said

"It takes two to five days for someone that calibre to appoint in that post but someone was immediately appointed in three hours? It seems we have to be careful around these guy !"

Another political scheme !

Remus thought in his mind and spoke

"Indeed ! So what we are gonna do next ?"

To be continued....