

A seasoned officer delves into a series of gruesome murders with an eerie pattern. As the clock ticks towards midnight, the investigator unravels a web of supernatural horrors and twisted secrets that threaten to consume not just the city, but their sanity. But he failed to solve anything and ended up getting killed . Saddened to hear his friend passing away , The legendary retired detective vowed to take revenge on whoever did this to his friend. But as he began investigating, he was faced with events that could never be explained in logics . The strange events, the midnight murders , the officials assassination and no lack of clues made many people give up on the case but for him , giving up wasn't in his dictionary. "Tell me Hendrick ! Do you work for law you see or for the justice you don't ?" ........ A major adventure and minor romance! that's how this story begins !

Hollowlives · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2

The sudden meeting and remembering memories;

I brushed past many people who greeted me passionately and hardly I see familiar faces whom I greeted.

As usual as the sun rising, I went towards my usual restuarant, The Salate . This restaurant was very simple and it brought a historical sense to him .

Trust me ! This guys loves history.

I hummed in low tune and sat on my usual place , the corner seat where I feel safe and secure.

It's not like i have any phobias or something , it's just one of my old habits that I can't forget .

As I just sat , a guy in black jacket with white shirt underneath it , wearing long grey pants , walked towards me in quick pace.

He had brown hair , grey eyes and thin build , he was nearing his prime age and he wis someone I knew .

Barry !

Seeing his honest and small smile on his face , I always wonders about happiness behind his smile .

Not many people knew this guy's past but only few knew his tragedy and I'm one of them.

In 1901 , his both parents passed away from the colony war and he grew up in a orphan until it was blazed by sudden fire which killed everyone he knew there . Having no knowledge and skill to support for his living , he didn't have any choices but to join the army and participate in the war , which he hated most in his life . But not longer than three years , his companions were executed cause of failing a important mission and before he could be executed, Barry defected the military and ran away . He came to newland city, started working as bartender until he met someone , his soulmate but regretfully it was ended pretty quicker than the Feria laus train timings.

Even after all the misfortune, he still had honest expression on his face and choose to be kind to others.

The virtue of some people can never be measured by scales or mind but only by heart .

I sighed thinking about Barry past .

"Sir Hendrick , good morning."

He came to me and greeted politely.

I took out my black hat i usually wear on routines and placed it on the table .

It was a very special hat to me , maybe the one who gave this hat to me was special one ? I also wonder about these thoughts.

It was Fedora hat ! A very comfortable, soft and flexible one that can be worn to anywhere or by anyone .

Hendrick sometimes would cover that hat on his face , when he enters deep sleep .

Hendrick greeted back

"A pleasant morning Barry ! I see you have shaved your beard today ? Mind telling me you have a date today ?"

Barry touched his pointy chin and chuckled softly

"As expected, We can't hide anything from sir Hendrick."

Hendrick smiled lightly and exchanged few words with Barry before he ordered his daily food .

Soon a set of dishes was served in his tabel . A Raised biscuits, devilled eggs and excelsa coffee.

His favourite coffee!

Excelsa coffee was actually discovered in 1903 in Central Africa, where it was also known as Coffea dewevrei or dewevreié. 

And only this cafee is making these type of coffee in the entire newland city which is of course favourite coffee of Hendrick Brixton.

Few minutes later .

He cleared his morning breakfast and before he touched his favourite coffee, he asked Barry for a newspaper.

Another habit of his , he would drink his favourite coffee while reading the newspaper.

Barry soon brought him today's newspaper.

"Thank you"

Taking the newspaper, he sipped the light brownish coffee slowly and began to read the news .

"Collapse of Pattison gold mine resulting in 19 dead and 6 injured .... Ah what tragedy ! ..... rebellions were executed in the name of justice? What sin! What sin ...."

As he was reading the newspaper, Hendrick face changed from reading a particular news .





Hendrick Brixton folded the newspaper and took out a 5 dollar note from his pocket . Placing the dollar note on the table , he took his hat from the table and put it on before rushing outside in silence.

Barry was confused seeing Hendrick rushing.

"Strange why did Sir Hendrick left without drink his favourite coffee? "

He shook his head and began to clean the table .


Outside, Hendrick Brixton boarded a horse carriage .

"Noir Street please!"

Hendrick voice was different from before , his voice had mixed feelings in it . Not many people may notice about it but only few who close to him knows that , Hendrick always uses emotions in his voice or way he expresses to others.

As the carriage rushed past the streets, Hendrick had complicated look on his face .

"Rhodes ....."

That guy was a good friend of him and they had same interests .

Bringing absolute law to these society.

As I thought about him , I remembered how we first met each other .....


Five year ago

In a grand theatre , I met a fabulous guy . He was just seated beside me , all alone with little anxiety on his face . Maybe he wanted to pretend to be a calm person but his facial expressions didn't match up with his act .

Sitting on the upper balcony, beside him . I observed him for a moment and it surprised me .

This guy was dressed in grey suit and wore jewel rings on his each fingers . I even saw a sliver shining across his tight white shirt .

I nerver saw someone wear these much jewelry except the Indians. As I further observed him , he immediately looked towards me in frowning.

'This guy has sharp instinct! I was observing him from corner of my eyes yet he immediately saw it !'

To not to be feel awkward, i introduced myself to him .

I extended my left arm and said in smiling face.

"Hello I'm Hendrick . Hendrick Brixton "

Confused by sudden introduction, that guy was surprised for a second before he shook his hands with mine .

"I'm Rhodes. "

I inclined at his side and whispered in low voice

"...and what Sir Rhodes doing in the theatre at these late night ? Don't tell me it's a undercover mission?"

He was shocked and asked me after recovering from his shock

"I don't know what you are talking about Mister ?"

I smiled slightly and said

"You are Rhodes, the chief head of the Newland city police department. "

The other party denied without change in his expression .

"I think mister is jesting with me "

Seeing him still denying, I knew he was a very stubborn person but also a stupid one too .

"Your hands are thick and coarse but you have a very strong grip not like commoners . You have sharp instinct and you keep observing people instead of watching the show ...So I have guessed that you must be someone from public department and from your name ....i already guessed your identity!"

Rhodes eyes shrank and he leaned forward to me . His voice was cold

"Mister you truly are very smart ."

I looked at his eyes directly and said without holding back .

"...and you are an idiot."

Rhodes was caught off guard from my answer and asked strangely

"What ?"

I shrugged my already sore shoulders and said while twisting my upper body a little .

"Ah ..just a minute...by sitting for more than hour in one place...my body is breaking apart .."

He was looking at me closely.

After some little strech , I continued in a low voice and Rhodes began to listen

"....you keep on observing the people not the actual show ! Aren't you too easy to read ? And what are your dress code? You want to get attracted or to bend in the crowd ? When I exposed your identity, you had a poker face ! Seriously you should have a confused face not poker expression ! ....this is all minor detail you know...the most stupid thing of you is you are already exposed !"

Rhodes looked confused at first but when he looked at the direction where I looked and saw some people in black suits were looking at him closely.

'S*it ! I'm exposed '

Rhodes immediately left the theatre and these people followed him closely behind . Seeing these people , I shook my head and began to watch the show. But I felt some gazes lingering on me , i turned around and saw two people in black suits , looking at me with I'll intentions.

My smile froze !

Somehow I was involved in his work because we talked for few minutes.


That's how I ended up together with him !

As I was remembering, the hoarse voice of the driver brought me back to the present.

"Sir we reached Noir street."

I adjusted my hat and got out of the carriage, I took out a note from my pocket and gave it to the driver before heading to a certain house which was just a street away.

Knock ! Knock !

Standing infront of thick long door , I knocked the door twice and waited patiently.

"Who is it ?"

A female voice was heard , from inside the house and soon the door was opened by a young maid .

She looked at me for a moment and said in surprise

"Sir Hendrick?"

I took out my hat and said with deep voice

"You still remember my name ? Daisy . "

To be continued.....