
By Flowers and Cicadidae

Stella always had feeling towards Ian, but since her departure, their relationship started to split ways too. Throughout her encounter with others, she couldn't help but compare and seek pictures of him in them. When, he suddenly appeared again...but what will happen with their encounter?

Dan_Eonla · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Carefully treading on the wet fallen leaves, she examined the old school building in front of her. The rectangular shape, the red coloured bricks, the smell of freshly cut grass... and smiled contently. It was still the same as twelve years ago. She smiled.

A gentle breeze swept by, making the golden brown trees rustle. A few leaves landed softly beside her feet.

She looked up as she heard children's shouts and laughter approaching. School had ended and they rushed over to their parents who stood waiting outside. The scene was so familiar, yet so strange.

I'll probably never get to see those faces again, she thought. It had been a long time since then and everyone is leading their own life now, not that it still had anything to do with her. Though, she still wanted to see them again, to be remembered... especially him.

She took a step foward, but hesitated. Then she turned on her heels and walked away.